Theme IV: Nearby Galaxies and the Galactic Center G.J. Stacey Cornell University
Team Members Gordon Stacey (Cornell)Formal Lead Science: Far-IR and submm spectroscopy of galaxies, Galactic starformation regions, Galactic Center Experience: KAO/ISO/JCMT – CSO Investments: SOFIA (FORCAST/SAFIRE) Unique Strength: Submm lines, Instrumentation Bill Vacca (USRA)SOFIA Lead Science: UV/Optical/Near IR spectroscopy & photometry galaxies, star clusters, massive stars Experience: HST/Keck/IRTF/Gemini/Spitzer Investments: SOFIA Unique Strength: Optical studies, Stellar Populations
Team Members Sue Madden (CEA/Saclay) Science: Mid/far-IR and spectroscopy and photometry of galaxies, Galactic starformation regions, Galactic Center Experience: KAO/ISO (LWS/ISOCAM) Investments: Herschel (SPIRE/PACS) Unique Strength: Dwarf Galaxies, Dust continuum Mark Morris (UCLA) Science: Multi-wavelength studies of the Galactic Center Experience: KAO/VLA/HST/Keck/Chandra/Spitzer Investments: SOFIA Unique Strength: Galactic Center
Team Members Linda Tacconi (MPE) Science: Multi-wavelength spectroscopy of active galaxies AGN/high z galaxies Experience: FCRAO/JCMT/VLT/ISO(SWS) Spitzer IRAM Interferometer Investments: Herschel (PACS) Unique Strength: Molecular gas in high z galaxies Mark Wolfire (Maryland) Science: Theory – PDR/XDR and HII region modeling – Galactic starformation regions, Galactic Center, galaxies Experience: KAO/ISO/Spitzer Investments: SOFIA Unique Strength: Theory, modeling
Activities Team assembled in April/May First Telecon in late May Discussion of scope of our assignment – where do we fit in? Discussion of science topics Discussion of timelines Telecons scheduled for Wednesdays at noon eastern time
Where do we fit in? Whitepaper generated by a group led by Erick Young Two page section on extragalactic work January 2008 AAS SOFIA Workshop Whitepaper (Bob Gehrz-led) 4 page section on extragalactic and Galactic Center work with SOFIA 2005 SOFIA Science Cases (Tom Greene) Section on Galactic Center Section on HAWC observations of the distant Universe Section on nearby Galaxies How do we fit in?
Goals/Schedule Create a list of science topics well addressed by SOFIA Define the unique capabilities of SOFIA within its current instrumentation Within the science list, compare the capabilities of SOFIA and contemporaneous facilities (e.g. Herschel) and near future facilities (e.g. JWST) How can second generation SOFIA instruments tip the balance Refine science topics Prepare document Prepare PPT slides June 18 July 16 August 13 October 1
Example: Nearby Galaxies Stellar evolution Diffuse interstellar gas Dense interstellar clouds Star formation Winds stellar explosions Stellar remnants Primordial gas Cooling, contraction chemistry Contraction, gravitational instability H, He, C +, O H 2, He, CO Interstellar Gas and the Stellar Life Cycle
Example: Nearby Spiral Galaxies Morphologies Elemental abundances Dust parameters Requires high spatial resolution Key elements Wide-field mapping – mapping speed Spatial registration between lines/continuum etc. Sensitivity Variety of lines available and dust SEDs SAFIRE FOV Beam at [OI]
SOFIA Strengths Mapping capabilities Large field of view for cameras (e.g. FORCAST 3 3’ FOV, SAFIRE FPI ~ 2.7 5.3’ FOV) What are the relative mapping speeds of SOFIA/Herschel for typical nearby galaxies – SOFIA efficiencies twice as high! Large chopper throw essential for mapping large nearby galaxies (SOFIA 10’ vs. 6’ for Herschel) How does this effect Hershel source list? Resolving power uniquely high between 5 to 28 and 100 to 700 m (SAFIRE, FPI) Advantages of EXES and SAFIRE? Resolved lines to distinguish ISM components
SOFIA Strengths Wavelength coverage 9 octaves of wavelength coverage (1 to 700 m) Post-Spitzer near unique coverage from ~5 m (until JWST) through 60 m (Herschel) Covers the peak of dust SED in starburst galaxies Host of lines from 5 to 60 m including (post Spitzer) SOFIA unique lines: [SIII] (33 m), [SiII] (35 m), [NeIII] (36 m), [OIII] (52 m), [NIII] (57 m), in the 30 to 60 m band Resolve and map far-IR lines with SAFIRE including unique ones beyond 200 m: [NII], [CII] [OI], mid and high J CO (but mid-J CO and [CI] easy from the ground…) PDRs, HII regions, shocks, galactic tori, warm dense molecular/neutral gas
Evolution of Galaxies Near unique niches for studying the epoch from the peak of the star formation per unit volume through to today’s universe z ~ 0 to 1 for [CII] 158 m line – major gas coolant, probes PDRs, G, intensity, size of starburst z ~ 0 to 1 for [NII] 205 m line – probes low density HII regions, proxy for Lyman continuum photons, separates [CII] fraction from ionized gas. z > 2 [OI] 63 m studies – major PDR gas coolant, probes dense PDRs, G, size of starburst SAFIRE is quite competitive with Herschel (especially if SAFIRE is a grating spectrometer – otherwise a next generation spectrometer can fully exploit this sensitivity niche)
SOFIA-SAFIRE FPI or Grating High z Lines SOFIA/SAFIRE is uniquely positioned for [CII] and [NII] studies in the critical redshift range 0 < z < 1 HLIRGS ULIRGS Milky Way [NII] Grating [NII] SAFIRE [CII] SAFIRE [CII] Grating Thick lines denote unique, or nearly unique sensitivity 5 in 2 hours – ULIRG line to continuum ratios: Adjusted to lower luminosity ratios when L < L Blain et al 2002 SOFIA’s Regime Ground based windows
Torus of AGN: XDRs Dust continuum studies 30 to 60 m Torus very warm (1000 K), and very dense (~ 10 7 cm -3 ) strong neutral line emission (CO, [OI], H 2 O; Krolik & Lepp,1989) Typical 100 Mpc: F J=17-16 ~ 6 W-m -2 High J CO lines are clear signatures and primary coolants of the confining torus – and are very sensitive to the physical conditions of the torus SOFIA Advantage: CO SED from J ~ 7-6 to J > 58 (48 m)! Artist’s conception of the doughnut shaped torus that confines the emission from an active nucleus (Credit ESA).
Galactic Center: Circumnuclear Disk Continuum: FORCAST, HAWC unprecedented spatial resolution Dust mass in the ring Spectrum of density fluctuations Confinement in strong shear environment– gravity or magnetic fields? Temperature structure and heating models – young cluster within the disk Dynamics and excitation with SOFIA Spectrometers Radial motions? Signatures of dynamical instabilities (infall?) in the velocity field? Gas T – chemistry and grain composition (T ~ 200 K in ring)? What is the local "turbulent" velocity dispersion in CND clumps – evidence for MHD waves? KIWC/KAO Latvakoski et al FORCAST 38 m beam
Galactic Center Magnetic field using HAWC- polarimeter (not first-light, but possibly not far behind) The 7" beam 60 ) would provide the best measure yet of the GC magnetic field strength using the Chandrasekhar- Fermi method The magnetic field direction in the warmest clouds (including the CND) would be determined from the orientation of the polarized E-vectors. Mapping speed will be an issue here!
Near Future Plans Gather up and distribute previous White papers to team (Vacca) Compile and distribute current instrument capabilities, and estimates for second generation capabilities and compare with Herschel capabilities (Stacey – see Tielens and Casey draft…) Assign key people to investigate science topics (Team) Report and debate findings on telecons Put together document