European Empire in the Americas
Encomienda Labor system—Indians “awarded “ to Spanish landowners indigenous labor for construction, servants, agricultural work, mining Harsh working conditions, contributed to decline in Indian populations. System fostered concentrated ownership of land. Cortes awarded 7,700 square miles of land in Mexico = almost 5 million acres.
Opposition to Spanish rule Spanish priests worked to spread Christianity in the Americas. They also pushed for a better treatment of Native Americans. Priests spoke out against the cruelty towards the natives, particularly the encomienda system.
Bartolome de las Casas “There is nothing more detestable or cruel than the tyranny which the Spaniards use toward the Indians for getting of riches.” Las Casas suggested the use of African labor. “The labor of one is more valuable than that of four Indians.”
Birth of Spanish America Indigenous people who survived, adapted: Spanish language Adopted Christianity (but with local influences Women intermarried with Spanish (mestizos)
Spanish focused on gold and silver 2 main areas of silver production- Zacatecas in Mexico and Potosi in modern-day Bolivia 80% of the world’s silver came from Spanish mines in the Americas Work in the mines was difficult and dangerous Work was done by forced labor of Native Americas—the “Mita” system.
Treasure Spain soon became the richest, most powerful nation in the world due to the American colonies. Ships filled with treasure from the Americas continually sailed into Spanish harbors. This new found wealth helped usher in the ‘Golden Age’ of Spain.
Indians forced to labor in the mines--dangerous
Like the Mita System—Indians drafted to work
Potosi—silver “boom town”
Potosi-Cerro Rico “Rich Hill” 8 million dead
Mercantilism Economic nationalism to build a wealthy and powerful state, especially in Europe 1600-1800. Maintain strict government control of trade Get as much gold, silver and other resources as you can Establish a favorable balance of trade at the expense of other nations Get colonies and exploit them. Build a big navy
Silver: The first truly global commodity
Where did all the silver go? Instead of investing in the country silver was used to buy stuff from other countries Flowed out of Spain; other countries controlled trade with the Americas. Used to fund wars: Holland, England Some of taken by pirates or ended up in at the bottom of the ocean.
The Spanish in Mexico After Cortes’ victory, the Spanish forced Indians to become Christians Indians also forced to work the fields, clear forests, and work in the gold and silver mines If the Indians refused they were punished and killed.
The Colonial Class System Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Mulattos Native Indians Black Slaves
How many variety of potatoes are grown in Andes?
Potatoes! 5,000 varieties in the Andes Potatoes were so important the Incas had a Potato Goddess!
Actually…. Axomama