Aztecs The ancient civilizations of Mexico
Aztec empire history Aztecs built their city, Tenochtitlan (later known as Mexico City). Over time the city became the most powerful. It would be the heart of the Aztec civilization.
The Aztec calendar The Aztec calendar was a 365-day calendar cycle called xiuhpohualli. And a 260 day ritual cycle called tonalpohualli The calendar consist of four rings. The center of the disk is Tonatiuh's Face, the face of the sun.
Teotihuacan Pyramids of the Moon and Sun
Aztec culture Shamans and religious dances take place even today
Xochimilco The canals of Xochimilco were made by the Aztecs They used these gardens to grow food and plants. They became the economic base of the Aztec empire.
Dia de los Muertos Dia de los Muertos is a holiday celebrating the dead. It dates back to Aztec and Mayan times and was celebrated in July to mid-Aug. When the Spanish conquered the Aztecs the holiday was moved to the Nov.1 & 2 for the Catholic holiday All Saints Day Offerings are made to remember the dead and celebrate Mictecacihuatl, Queen of the Dead.
Favorite part of Mexico, Ally
The Mayans
The Mayan empire The Mayans were found in SE Mexico, Guatemala and Belize They developed a system of astronomy, writing and mathematics They were highly skilled potters and weavers Most of their cities had disappeared by 16 th century.
Mayan Calendar The Maya calendar consists of a system of three interlacing calendars and almanacs which was used by several cultures in Central America, most famously the Maya civilization The Mayan calendar ended at 12/21/2012 Some people thought it predicted the end of the world The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate corresponding calendars, the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar) and the Haab (civil calendar).
There are 30 volcanos in Guatemala
A Mayan child selling tapestries
Replica of a Guatemalan village