orcid.org ORCID adoption in research evaluation workflow ARMS2015, Singapore, 02 Oct 2015 Nobuko Miyairi Regional Director, Asia Pacific orcid.org 1
2 Who is it?
orcid.org 3 Which one is it?
BEFORE First name Last name Middle name Transliteration By affiliation By field By journal By co-authors … AFTER orcid.org 4 Name disambiguation
Open Researcher & Contributor ID ORCID is a non-profit organization supported by a global community of organizational members, including research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other stakeholders in the research ecosystem. orcid.org 5 What is ORCID?
Researchers can register and use ORCID for free of charge whether or not their employer is a member ORCID is an opt-in system. The researcher controls their record: registration, linked information, privacy and access settings An ORCID iD and associated information stays with an individual throughout their career irrespective of affiliation 6 ORCID is Opt-in
orcid.org 7
Free, non-proprietary, platform-neutral registry of persistent unique public identifiers for researchers Community-based, independent non-profit organization supported by member fees Open data, software, APIs, and documentation 8 ORCID is Open
Repositories Funders Higher Education and Employers Professional Associations Other person identifiers Publishers 9 ORCID is a hub ISNI Researcher ID Scopus Author ID Internal identifiers FundRef ID Grant ID ISNI Ringgold ID Member ID Abstract ID DOI URI Thesis ID Dataset ID DOI ISBN ORCID connects different ID systems through open & persistent identifiers Machine-readable Interoperable
Adoption by researchers orcid.org 10 Over 1.6 million researchers have registered for an ORCID identifier
Integration in research systems orcid.org 11 Over 300 members, 3 national consortia, and nearing 200 integrations in every region and sector of the international research community.
Building trust orcid.org 12 Tools to allow for easy addition of identifiers (for people, places, and things) during publishing, grant application, thesis deposit, etc. Engage the community to embed, authenticate, and assert
orcid.org 13 Web of Science
orcid.org 14 Scopus
orcid.org 15 Mendeley to ORCID
orcid.org 16 Converis
orcid.org 17 Pure
orcid.org 18 PlumX
Publons allows authors to register their peer review contributions, in turn display them in their profile; sync with ORCID orcid.org 19 Publons
orcid.org 20 figshare <> ORCID
orcid.org 21 Über Wizard for ORCID
Leveraging existing standards orcid.org 22 ORCID works collaboratively with the research community to ensure adoption and use of research information standards
Authors with an ORCID iD will be able to have Crossref automatically push information about their published work to their ORCID record 230 publishers already include ORCID iDs in their metadata deposits with us, and currently there are 248,000 DOIs that include ORCID iDs orcid.org 23 Auto Update
orcid.org ORCID Record Publisher University Library Funde rs submit manuscri pt ACCEPTED! notification to preprint repository NEW INFO! Faculty Profiles
Regional & national approach Austria: Funder requirement 2016 Italy: National consortium 2015 Finland: National recommendation 2015 Australia: National recommendation 2015, consortium 2016 Denmark: University launch 2014 Spain: Launched 2 consortia in 2014 Portugal: Funder requirement 2013 Sweden: National recommendation 2013 UK: National recommendation 2013, pilot 2014, consortium 2015 orcid.org 25
orcid.org 26 Institutional Reporting We want to use ORCIDs to simplify the life of Oxford’s researchers for working with institutional systems and publishers’ systems by re-using already available information for publication data management and reporting. The motto is: Input once – re-use often. “” Wolfram Horstmann, Associate Director, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Name disambiguation was a time-consuming but essential process, producing lots of duplication of efforts and overlapping costs across the sector It was worsened by the exponential growth of publications, and proliferation of ID systems ORCID enables author name disambiguation upstream in the publishing process with researchers’ opt-in, allowing the downstream tools and resources to re-use this information with accuracy and confidence ORCID provides opportunities to credit author contributions beyond traditional work type – not only publications but data, peer review, funding, and more orcid.org 27 Summary
ORCID provides plumbing for research information—and the tools to build trust orcid.org 28
orcid.org 29
orcid.org 30 Thank