Assessment Small Learning Communities
The goal of all Small Learning Communities is to improve teaching, learning, and student outcomes A rigorous, coherent curriculum should reinforce SLC objectives Planning for post-secondary education for all students, including students with special needs and English Language Learners Tracking is eliminated in SLC All students have access to college preparatory courses Source: New York City Department of Education
Small Learning Communities Data driven system of accountability to improve instruction Baseline and historical student data, disaggregated data on student achievement, and cohort information is analyzed Analysis of student work for evidence of progress towards standards Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments are used to drive instruction and make program adjustments Source: New York City Department of Education
Assessment Career Academies
Meets external standards Learning is rigorous and meets college entrance requirements Curriculum is sequenced, integrated and relevant Post-graduate planning Dual credit options Source: National Career Academy Coalition (2005)
Career Academies Student data are collected Multiple academic measures are included Technical learning is assessed Accurate reporting Evidence of impact Source: National Career Academy Coalition (2005)
Assessment Vocational Education
Career Interest Inventories Integrated Curriculum Assessment and Instruction Authentic Assessment Performance Tasks Projects Portfolios
Assessment Program Evaluation
Planning - evaluation occurs before a program or activity begins, although certain aspects may be continual and ongoing. Formative evaluation - occurs during the operation of a program or activity. Its purpose is to provide those responsible for the program with ongoing information about whether things are proceeding as planned and whether expected progress is being made. Summative evaluation - conducted at the completion of a program or activity. Its purpose is to provide program developers and decision makers with judgments about the program’s overall merit or worth. Source: Thomas R. Guskey Journal of Staff Development, Fall 1998
Program Evaluation 1. Clarify the intended goals 2. Assess the value of the goals 3. Analyze the context 4. Estimate the program’s potential to meet the goals 5. Determine how the goals can be assessed 6. Outline strategies for gathering evidence Source: Thomas R. Guskey Journal of Staff Development, Fall 1998
Program Evaluation 7. Gather and analyze evidence on participants’ reactions 8. Gather and analyze evidence on participants’ learning 9. Gather and analyze evidence on organizational support and change 10. Gather and analyze evidence on participants’ use of new knowledge and skills 11. Gather and analyze evidence on student learning outcomes 12. Prepare and present evaluation reports Source: Thomas R. Guskey Journal of Staff Development, Fall 1998
Conclusion Just as we urge teachers to plan carefully, and to make ongoing assessments of student learning an integral part of the instructional process, evaluation needs to become an integral part of the professional development process. Systematically gathering and analyzing evidence to inform what we do must become a central component in professional development technology. Source: Thomas R. Guskey Journal of Staff Development, Fall 1998