FasttMath Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology
Purpose of the Program The purpose of this program is to develop automaticity in recalling basic math facts Some fourth graders are struggling with basic math facts and need individual help Lack of basic skills is affecting their ability to work longer problems in an accurate and timely manner Technology will motivate students much more than flash cards The high numbers of repetition needed will be best presented in a varying and fun format
Demo Follow the link: th/overview.html th/overview.html To view a demo of the program, this includes different game options that students can choose.
SAM- Scholastic Achievement Manager (homepage)
Roster The roster tab controls the students who are entered in to the program You can have a student start at a later level or vary their schedule so they only can access the program a limited number of times a week. Once you’ve entered a student name you can click on that name to change their settings individually.
Roster page-Enrollment
Roster-Student Settings
Resources materials to support instruction: teachers’ guide and fact fluency guide
Reports- can be generated by class or student
Student Fact Fluency Status Report This shows: Facts they have mastered with automaticity. Facts they are practicing to reach automaticity Facts they answer too slowly or incorrectly
Student Lesson Status Report This shows: How long and how often the student logs in The type of activity, whether they are studying a new fact or practicing The facts they are focusing on If the lesson was completed
Student Response to Intervention Report This shows: The lessons per week The instruction time per week The number of facts gained during that time