Tutorial:Business Academy Topic:Fixed Assets - concept, division Prepared by:Ing. Jana Šustrová Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Fixed assets Shelf life longer than 1 year A certain amount of value Gradually getting worn- out 1-year wearing = depreciation Current assets Shelf life shorter than 1 year Disposable consumption Changeable form Supplies, debts Money, short-term securities
A kind of long-term property Shelf life or maturity time is longer than 1 year Not losing its original form, gradually getting worn-out Divided into 3 types - tangible - intangible - financial
Buildings, land, artwork and collections, regardless of their value Individual movable assets whose valuation is higher than the limit set by the company in its internal directive (usually CZK ,--, which is the limit specified by the Law on Income Tax for depreciation of property) – such as machinery, cars Cultivated areas with a fertility rate of more than 1 year – such as orchards, vineyards Adult animals and groups of them (herds, flocks)
Assets with a shelf life longer than 1 year, but valuation lower than the limit set by the company (notebooks, PC printers, mobile phones, etc.)
A kind of intangible property, with the shelf life longer than 1 year and since the valuation limit, set by the company (usually CZK ,-- according to the Law of the Income Tax). ◦ Formation expenses ◦ Intangible results of research and development ◦ Software ◦ Valuable rights (licences, patents) ◦ Know-how ◦ Goodwill
Securities and shares, investments with maturity or holding period longer than one year (stocks, bonds) Long-term loans
material in stock valued at CZK software for CZK land for CZK photocopier for CZK car for CZK building for CZK program for payroll processing for CZK computer for CZK bonds valued at CZK with a maturity period of 6 months 25 mobile phones, 1 pc for CZK 3.000
1. Production hall 2. Accounting software 3. Car 4. Land 5. Administration building 6. Shares 7. Licence 8. Know-how 9. Production line 10. Notebook for CZK A. Tangible fixed assets B. Intangible assets C. Long-term investments D. Minor fixed assets
Klínský P., Münch O. Ekonomika pro obchodní akademie a ostatní střední školy. Praha: EDUKO nakladatelství, s. r. o.,2008, ISBN Vyhláška 500/2002 Sb.