1 March 3, 2011 Molly McCammon Executive Director Alaska Ocean Observing System Regional Ocean Observing Systems and CMSP
Why AOOS? Regional ocean observing systems have mission to integrate & visualize regional data Federal and state agencies, research institutes (including UA) are members and serve as board Work closely with private sector and NGOs Policy neutral – no position on issue of planning & zoning Sole purpose is to make ocean data more useful for decision makers and stakeholders
Limited observations & data Expansive region Extreme weather conditions Presence of seasonal sea ice Endangered & threatened species Climate change Small, dispersed population Rapidly changing conditions How can management plans be flexible? Can we make assumptions based on historical data? How do we represent uncertainty? 2/20/2016
Few real time marine observations
But many surveys and temporary deployments
Wind Speed/directionLocations of research instruments Air TemperatureCirculation model output Wave heightAtmospheric model output Stream Gauge infoClimate change projections Sea surface temperature Weather forecasts Sea Surface colorSatellite images Currents
Real-Time Sensor Map
Model Explorer
Arctic Research Assets Map: Used for Research planning Reducing duplication of effort Identifying gaps Collision avoidance Opportunities for collaboration Holistic view of research effort
Human Use Subsistence Industry activities Roads/transportation corridors Fishing units Political Boundaries Land ownership Conservation areas International waters/EEZ Biological Tagged animal migrations Productivity hotspots Walrus haul outs Oceanographic Bathymetry Ice extent & thickness
Allow users to manipulate layers and save displays Add layers to create new layers IPCC Climate Change scenarios Reduction in sea ice extent Changes in shipping routes Expansion of industry infrastructure & footprint Alteration of wildlife migrations
Cumulative Impacts (NCEAS) Marine InVEST ARIES (Conservation International) MIMES (Boston University & New England Aquarium) MarineMap (University of California Santa Barbara) Atlantis (CSIRO) Coastal Resilience (TNC) MARXAN with Zones (University of Queensland) Multipurpose Marine Cadastre (BOEMRE/NOAA) Others……