1 «Competencies for living and working in the 21st century: A capacity development toolkit for curriculum innovations in African Countries» International Workshop – Nairobi (Kenya), June 2009 Agenda Overview
2 Organizers and Contributors Ministry of Education, Kenya UNESCO IBE Spanish Government: Ministry of Education and Sports GTZ/BMZ SDC (Switzerland) UNESCO HQ/ED/BAS, Bamako and Windhoek Other UNESCO field offices
3 Resource persons Country representatives Elmehdi Ag Muphtah Jean Bernard Philippe de Castro Lynn van der Elst Carmel Gallagher Dakmara Georgescu Klaus Jahn Florence Migeon
4 Seminar objectives Refine and finalize the new version of the Toolkit Contribute to the detailed outlining of different sections of the Toolkit Share and select good practices for integration into the Toolkit Draft preliminary guidelines for field testing, review and integration of the feedback collected Define the concept of field-testing the Toolkit in a number of selected countries Identify pilot countries
5 Expected outcomes An agreed finalized version of the Toolkit structure and outline More advanced versions of different parts/sections of the Toolkit developed based on the active contribution of all participants Follow up processes prepared
6 Working methodology Interactive plenary presentations Hands-on group work Resource materials Regular summaries and feedback Simultaneous translation Access to working stations and Internet School visit Leisure time City tour Cocktail
7 Agenda overview Day 1 ◦ Intrduction of toolkit structure and an example of one more elaborated chapter ◦ Group work to finalize the toolkit structure and outline Day 2 and 3 ◦ Focus on Toolkit – Part A: «Content and methodology» – Section 1: “Fostering Learning to Live Together - basic principles, concepts and approaches” and Section 2: “Developing thematic approaches”
8 Agenda overview Day 3 ◦ School visit (afternoon) Day 4 ◦ Focus on Toolkit – Part A, Sections 3 and 4 (Group work) ◦ Focus on Toolkit – Part B: “Curriculum processes”, Sections 5, 6 and 7 (Plenary discussion)
9 Agenda overview Day 5 ◦ Detailed revised outline of the Toolkit: summary and conclusions ◦ Planning the pilot testing of the Toolkit; identification/selection of the pilot countries ◦ Follow-up: July – December 2009 ◦ Closing ◦ Workshop evaluation