BOAT PARTY SPECIAL COMMITTEE Findings and Recommendations
Agenda ■Purpose of committee ■Tasks/research conducted ■Findings ■Recommendations ■Next steps
Background on the situation ■Growing class size a concern; we may be outgrowing the current boat’s occupancy limits –Cherry Blossom sternwheel boat has a maximum capacity of 350 –Boat occupancy limit needs to allow for students, chaperones, entertainment staff, and crew ■Other potential concerns: –student participation –securing volunteers for planning committee –funding ■Exploratory committee to look into how we might address these concerns
Special committee members ■Dawn Bova ■Paula Cohen ■Jan DeFalco ■Janice Morris ■Sandy Phillips ■Ashley Rehr ■Marianne Schwanke
Purpose of committee ■Explore community commitment to the boat party ■Research potential alternatives to the boat party ■Present findings and recommendations to the PTA
Tasks and research conducted ■Analyzed cost, attendance and volunteer participation data from prior years ■Contacted other schools in the area to learn what they do ■Conducted parent and student surveys ■Researched alternative boats and other potential venues
Findings: class size and participation ■Trend in class sizes vs. boat capacity (max 350 including students, chaperones and crew) –2012: : : 445 –2013: : : 486 –2014: : 426
Findings: class size and participation ■Participation rates have varied; 65% participation may be a reasonable estimate for calculating likely attendance. YearClass Size Boat Party Attendance Percentage % % ~30071% %
Findings: volunteers ■Data show that the yearlong planning process is where we experience volunteer pressure ■Last year experienced challenges enlisting sufficient volunteers for planning committee ■Securing volunteers to help during event itself has not been a problem
Findings: costs and funding ■Costs over the years have been fully covered by fundraising and ticket sales (roughly half and half) –The Boat Party Committee raised ticket prices last year ■From $50/60 to $55/65 ■Although fundraising proved challenging last year, it is not expected to be an issue in the near future –Assumes we secure sufficient volunteer support to lead fundraising efforts
Findings: other schools ■Private schools: varies from no school-organized party to a series of events as part of graduation festivities (parents’ tea, dinner, picnic) ■Public schools: many seem to have a school-organized party –W-L does a boat party followed by a breakfast –Wakefield celebration varies from year to year –TJHSST holds a party at the school –Bishop O’Connell holds its party at Sport & Health at Tysons; venue large enough and offers a variety of engaging activities
Findings: parent surveys ■Survey of Class of 2017 parents –94 respondents (as of 2/5/16) –Almost 80% of respondents were in favor of a PTA-sponsored party ■11% did not think it was important, 9% were unsure –73% of respondents said we should find a venue large enough to accommodate entire class ■17% favored continuing the boat party even if all may not attend due to size constraints, 10% preferred no party ■A few respondents indicated that their child would not attend the party or that they were planning to throw their own party instead ■A few respondents also shared that some seniors have complained the party is too long
Findings: parent surveys ■Survey of class of 2018, 2019 parents –53 respondents (as of 2/5/16) –77% felt having a party for the graduating class was important ■11% said a PTA-sponsored party was not important, 11% were unsure –More than 75% of respondents were in favor of finding a venue large enough for all ■less than 8% favored continuing the boat party even if all may not be able to attend, more than 11% favored ending the party
Findings: student survey ■40 respondents (9% response rate) (as of 2/5/16) ■Interest in attending relatively consistent with past participation rates –70% said they would attend –7.5% said they would not attend; 22.5% were not sure ■Holding the party on a boat was preferred –42.5% prefer the boat –25% prefer a new location that can accommodate all students –32.5% were not sure/need more information
Findings: student survey ■Students seem to prefer that the party end earlier –17.5% preferred the party run 9 pm – 1 am –40% preferred the party run 10 pm – 2 am –20% preferred the party run 11 pm – 3 am –22.5% not sure ■For entertainment, the students seemed to prefer same as in past years –42.5% liked activities described from previous boat parties –25% liked idea of adding sports contests –20% not sure
Findings: alternative venues ■Criteria the venue needs to meet: –Large enough to accommodate students and chaperones –Contained space –Setting/venue that would appeal to high school graduates –Not too far to travel to/from –Available graduation night ■Remember the main purpose of the graduation celebration: to keep our graduates safe!
Alternative venues ■Other boats: –Odyssey is larger and could accommodate more students/chaperones, but is already used by W-L –Spirit of Washington is another larger boat ■Can hold 535 max; requires 200 minimum at $52-60/person ■Other potential venues: –Restaurant/hotel (e.g., The Hamilton) –Washington Sport & Health club –college community center (e.g., Marymount University) –Army-Navy Club –a party at the school?
Recommendations ■Continue with the existing boat party format for the Class of 2017 graduation celebration –Addresses most important need of providing a safe, contained venue for graduates to celebrate –Student participation likely to fall within existing boat capacity limits ■For 2018, 2019, 2020, consider moving to larger boat if needed –Spirit of Washington an option
Recommendations ■Washington Sport & Health could be viable alternative to a larger boat ■Leverage Bishop O’Connell’s experience keeping students safe and secure ■But—not as contained a venue, requires more security ■Not sure how to address challenge of securing volunteers for planning committee other than to start as early as possible to secure those key positions ■Include students in planning and/or fundraising activities to increase interest and participation
Other ideas ■To address concerns that event is too long: –Consider shortening event by an hour ■To secure student participation earlier in the planning process: –Consider including boat party ticket purchase in senior class dues, with opt-out option ■To address potential lack of volunteers: –Consider having APS Extended Day staff chaperone for pay –Will raise costs but some parents may be willing to pay more to reduce need to volunteer
Next steps ■Presentation/report and survey results will be posted to the YHS PTA website for community review ■PTA membership to decide on whether to continue with boat party at March 14 PTA meeting