A book group assignment for studying voice and craft
Select a group to work with and then select a common title, a common author, or a common genre. (This gives us common ground for studying author’s voice/craft) Expand your horizons and try something new I will not insist that you read a specific number of pages, or that the book be a certain degree of difficulty. I trust that you will challenge yourselves to read a book that is of interest to you that you have not read before.
Read a critical review of your selected novel or of what critics say about your author.
Read for enjoyment (and because it’s good for you) Pay attention to the author’s voice and track it in your notebook or journal. Look at how the author works on this technique throughout the book. How does it change, how is it developed, describe it. Where is it wonderful? Where is it lacking? Etc. We will be working on voice throughout the semester, so work hard to find yours and to weave it into your writing. Conference with me at least once during the semester regarding your progress with the novel, the voice, etc.
You’ll discuss the novel with the class, reading aloud passages that illustrate the voice.
Barnesandnobel.com Amazon.com (click on books) Boarders.com Tatteredcover.com