WELCOME TO HAVERFORD MIDDLE SCHOOL Mr. Crater Room 226 Please have out your child’s A day (Monday) schedule to help you navigate from class to class. If you do not have a schedule, I have extra copies for you!
IMPORTANT PEOPLE Ms. Mastrocola - your principal Mrs. Malczynski - your counselor Mrs. D’Avella - office secretary
COMMUNICATION Weekly s (Beluga Bulletin) Check our web pages Remind Application Have you received the Beluga Bulletin on Friday?
ASSIGNMENT BOOK Bring it to every class, every day. Write HW in it. Notes to/from parents/teachers. Lose it? Pay for a replacement.
HOMEWORK Students write assignments daily in Assignment Book Teachers post online daily, usually before 4 PM Parents & Students should check PowerSchool weekly to see a record of completed assignments Homework Club is starting this week
REMINDERS Be sure to include child’s first & last name on all notes (esp if your name is different from child) Have Joint Custody? Get mailed copies by contacting the 6th grade office.
REMINDERS Absences require a note upon student’s return Early dismissal – submit note to grade level office