EQUIPMENTS COST Total Equipment Cost (TEC) Reactor 2 300000 600000 Reactor 2 300000 600000 Separator Compressor 1 200000 Distillation column 1600000 3200000 Others (valve, pump, etc) 1000000 5600000
DIRECT COST Direct Cost Total Equipment Cost (TEC) 5600000 Total Equipment Cost (TEC) 5600000 Equipment Installation 40% of TEC 2240000 Piping System Installation 50% of TEC 2800000 Instrumentation and Control 20% of TEC 1120000 Electrical System Installation 15% of TEC 840000 Service Facilities Building, Process, Auxiliary Land 6% of TEC 336000 Yard Improvement 12% of TEC 672000 Total Direct Cost (TDC) 18648000
INDIRECT COST Indirect Cost Engineering and supervision construction Expense 10% of TDC 1864800 Legal Expense Contractors Fee 5% of TDC 932400 Contigencies 12% of TDC 2237760 Total Indirect Cost (TIC) 6899760
TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT Fixed Capital Investment + Working Capital Investment + Start-Up Cost Total Capital Investment Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) 25547760 Working Capital Investment (WCI) 15% of FCI 3832164 Start-up Cost (SUC) 10% of FCI 2554776 Total Capital Investment (TCI) FCI + WCI +SUC 31934700
Total Expenses + Patent and Royalties TOTAL VARIABLE COST Total Expenses + Patent and Royalties Total Expense Raw Material As calculated 944184328.8 Utilities 10% of Product Cost 131405600 Maintenance Cost 2% of FCI 510955.2 Operating Supplies 10% of Maintenance Cost 51095.52 Operating Labours Total labour cost 729000 Management Personnel 10% of Operating labour 72900 Laboratory Charges 5% of Operating Labour 36450 Total Expenses (TE) 1076990330 Patent and Royalties 1% of Total Expenses 10769903.3 Total Variable Cost (TVC) TE + Royalties 1087760233
FIXED CHARGES Fixed Charges Tax 1% of FCI 255477.6 Insurance Tax 1% of FCI 255477.6 Insurance 0.4% of FCI 102191.04 Total Fixed Charges 357668.64
TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Total Variable Cost + Fixed Charges + Plant O/head Cost Total Manufacturing Cost Variable Cost TVC 1087760233 Fixed Charges as calculated 357668.64 Plant Overhead Cost 50% of Operating Labours 364500 Total Manufacturing Cost (MC) 1088482401
TOTAL GENERAL EXPENSES Administrative Operating + Maintenance + Supervision 1312855.2 Distribution and Selling 10% of MC 108848240.1 Research and Development Expenses 5% of MC 54424120.07 Total General Expenses (GE) 164585215.4
Total Manufacturing Cost + General Expenses TOTAL OPERATING COST Total Manufacturing Cost + General Expenses Total Operating Cost Total Manufacturing Cost As calculated 1088482401 General Expenses 164585215.4 Total Operating Cost (TOC) 1253067617
Production Cost (from EP1) – Total Operating Cost GROSS PROFIT Production Cost (from EP1) – Total Operating Cost Gross Profit Production Cost (Revenue) From Prelim Econ 1,314,056,000 Operating Cost 1253067617 Total Profit Revenue - TOC 60,988,383 Gross profit = RM 60,988,383.00/year