CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE INTERNAL AUDIT FRAMEWORK January 25, 2016 Audit Committee Meeting Presented by: Ruthe Holden, Internal Audit Manager
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE BACKGROUND Internal Audit Framework Defines Internal Audit’s purpose, authority & responsibility Establishes position within City’s organizational structure Authorizes access to personnel and physical properties needed to complete audits Defines the scope of Internal Audit activities Requires approval by City Manager and Audit Committee Chairman 2
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Requirements for Framework California Government Code Section 1236 requires City’s that conduct audits to follow either: Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) International Professional Practices Framework (standards), or Government Auditing Standards issued by Comptroller General of the United States City will adopt the IIA’s standards Input from Internal Controls & Audit Subcommittee from prior Citizen Task Force 3
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE IIA Standards Requirements IIA Standards requires: The City adopt and Audit Committee approve a written Framework for Internal Audit Framework at a minimum include the Definition of Internal Audit, IIA Code of Ethics and IIA Standards Independence of Internal Audit 4
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Elements of Internal Audit Framework Mission Scope of Services Commitment to Quality Authority and Accountability Independence Responsibilities 5
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Standards Required Communications IIA Standards required communication to Senior Management and Audit Committee Independence Internal Audit Framework Definition of Internal Audit, Code of Ethics & Standards Quality Self-Assessment Annual Internal Quality Self-Assessment External Quality Self-Assessment required every 5 years 6
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Standards Required Communications Periodic Communication (Quarterly) Significant audit issues Status and results of Audit Plan Status of progress on Open Audit Recommendations Summary of status on Issues reported through Fraud Hotline 7
CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Next Steps Complete Annual Audit Plan (February) Quarterly Communication (April) Progress of Audit Plan Summary of Fraud Hotline Status of Open Audit Recommendations Year End Report to Audit Committee (July) Progress of Audit Plan Summary of Fraud Hotline Status of Open Audit Recommendations 8