1 WP7 Presentation WP7 -- Project Evaluation Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich Prof. Dr. Bernhard Plattner
2 WP7 Presentation Overview WP7-Partners Objectives Role Interfaces Criteria Procedure Summary Next Steps
3 WP7 Presentation WP7 -- Partners Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH LAN Lancaster University DEM National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos
4 WP7 Presentation WP7 -- Objectives according to Technical Annex Evaluation And Monitoring Project Evaluation: 1. pedagogical 2. technical WP Monitoring: 1. objective fulfillment 2. quality assessment
5 WP7 Presentation Role of WP7 Quality assessment Progress monitoring and evaluation based on: –internal reports –deliverables –prototypes –additional information to be provided on WP7’s request Proposal for changes if WP-goals are not met =Products of WPs }
6 WP7 Presentation Interfaces of WP7 WP 7 Comm. WPs PM alignment report coordination
7 WP7 Presentation Evaluation and Monitoring Basis Project Proposal Objectives (TA Section 2) –often specifies strictly and precisly measurable criteria (e.g. 2A & 4C) –sometimes lacks precision (e.g. 4A & 4B) WP7 has task to define measurable criteria Agreement of all project partners on criteria
8 WP7 Presentation Procedure of Evaluation And Monitoring time WPs WP7 Y1Y WP Milestones & Reports Evaluation Report 01/0001/0101/0201/03
9 WP7 Presentation Summary WP7 Tasks WP7: only WP performing quality assessment Interfaces between WP7 and all WPs, Project Management and Commission Project and WP quality assessment: –evaluation:criteria defined in proposal (sec. 2) –monitoring:measures defined in proposal (sec. 2) –procedure:as proposed in presentation
10 WP7 Presentation Next Steps Preparation of interim report due 01/08/00 –Quality assessment framework –Definition of quality assessment criteria and parameters for each WP and the whole project.