FP6UK Roadmap to Participation Cliff Funnell UK National Contact Point for Waterborne Transport OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FP6UK SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT) Opportunities for Waterborne Research in the EU Framework Programme 7 London 13th October 2006
I’ve got a project idea – now what? l Read the Work Programme – ALL OF IT!! l Understand the policy objectives …. l Ensure that your idea fits the Topics identified in the Call for Proposals l Discuss idea with the NCP to determine: u Eligibility u “Intelligence” l If still determined ….. draft a 1/ 2 -page summary for the European Commission to get feedback – NOT PART OF THE EVALUATION!!
I’ve definitely decided I want to go ahead …. Co-ordinate my own proposal “Very brave decision, Minister” Join another proposal Preferable for new “entrants” Learn the ropes from Masters Reduced paperwork and reading!!
The “Usual Way” to write a Proposal I have a project that I want to get funded … What next? l I’ll try to find the best fit I can somewhere in the Programme l Ask some people that I have worked with before if they want to join l Hold a meeting to describe the project, decide the budget and the share of the work and budget between partners l Ask them to send some information to use in the proposal. l Read the Guide for Proposers and write a proposal Chances of Success ? Limited - but you might be lucky !
A better way?? …. Reverse Engineering l Look first at the evaluation criteria before spending too much time on developing the consortium or planning the project. l Be aware of the overall political objectives of the Programme and the technical objectives of the section to which you will be applying
The Evaluation Criteria FP6 STREP in this case but broadly similar throughout 1. Relevance 2. S & T Excellence 3. Potential Impact 4. Quality of the Consortium 5. Quality of Management 6. Mobilisation of Resources
S & T Excellence The extent to which: l the project has clearly defined and well focused objectives l the objectives represent clear progress beyond the current state-of-the-art l the proposed S&T approach is likely to enable the project to achieve its objectives in research and innovation
Potential Impact The extent to which l the proposed project is likely to have an impact on reinforcing competitiveness or on solving societal problems l the proposal demonstrates a clear added value in carrying out the work at European level and takes account of research activities at national level and under European initiatives (e.g. Eureka) l exploitation and/or dissemination plans are adequate to ensure optimal use of the project results
Quality of the Consortium The extent to which l the participants collectively constitute a consortium of high quality l the participants are well-suited and committed to the tasks assigned to them l there is a good complementarity between participants l the opportunity of involving SMEs has been adequately addressed
Quality of the Management The extent to which l the project management is demonstrably of high quality l the extent to which there is a satisfactory plan for the management of knowledge, of intellectual property and of other innovation-related activities
Mobilisation of Resources The extent to which l the project foresees the resources (personnel, equipment, financial, …) necessary for success l the resources are convincingly integrated to form a coherent project. l the overall financial plan for the project is adequate
Partner and/or Proposal Search l Search past Projects on CORDIS l Exploit various assistance provided through ongoing “support measures” –MAPO ( –Euro-Trans ( l Participate in Brokerage Events –Seminar for FP7 Project Promotion from Nov2006, Delft –Euro-Trans u Warsaw, October 2007 u Paris, January 2008
But always, as a first start …. l Contact the NCP –Free Advice –Sympathetic –Motivated l It’s like giving birth Although it hurts like hell, people usually end up doing it twice, three times or more!!!
NCP Contacts Cliff Funnell Tel: