COMMON CORE STANDARDS Information for Families
WHAT ARE ACADEMIC STANDARDS? 2 Standards are what students need to learn in each grade and subject area in school. For example – 3 rd grade students are expected to be able to solve word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Each state develops its own standards. Arizona has had state standards since the 1990s.
WHY DO WE HAVE STANDARDS? 3 So every student and every teacher knows what the student needs to learn that year. So every student, no matter where they go to school, should be taught the same thing. So we – as a state – can make sure our students are learning what we want them to learn.
SO WHY CHANGE STANDARDS? 4 Students all across the United States – including here in Arizona – are not learning the same amount or same skills as kids around the world. Our standards are lower that many other countries. Because each state has its own standards, students who move from state to state are being taught different things at different times.
THEN WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? 5 Raising the standards We know our students are as smart as anyone in the world. The new standards are set at the same level as other top countries, so our students will learn the same amount and same skills as others. Sharing the standards 46 states and DC (including Arizona) are all using these new standards, so if a student moves around, he/she will still get the same high-level of instruction.
WHAT ARE THESE “COMMON CORE STANDARDS”? 6 Common Core Standards are the new academic standards in Math and English/Language Arts. They were developed by education experts and teachers from many states. The goal of these standards is to make sure all students graduate from high school ready for college and/or their career.
WHAT DO PARENTS NEED TO KNOW? 7 Arizona’s Common Core Standards will change what work in the classroom looks like More discussion More projects Higher expectations for students AIMS will go away There will be a new test for the Common Core Standards call PARCC
HOW WILL COMMON CORE IMPACT MY CHILD? 8 Your child will be held to the same expectations as students across the country. Your child will have to meet higher expectations, but when he/she graduates from high school, he/she will be prepared to go to college or go into the workforce. Your child will have the skills to be competitive with anyone around the world for jobs.
WHEN IS THIS HAPPENING? 9 Transition year – you might see some new types of work or teaching, but some might still be the same Final transition year – all classrooms should be following the Common Core standards First full year – Common Core is fully in place and the new tests start
WANT TO KNOW MORE? 10 Check out the next presentation: Helping Your Child with Common Core