Module II: The Processes PowerPoint Slides
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2-1 Reflection Journal Questions Why did we include these questions at the beginning of a reading comprehension course? How do these questions relate to our students? If you have a student who answers these questions similar to you, how would that change your teaching?
2-2 Processes The Learner Task Text
2-3 Can you figure this out? Values are assessed for submission, position, and accuracy. You will definitely encounter an A. You may also find H, X, F, M, and K. The entire process takes from four to eight minutes. The most challenging movement of the test is an exercise followed by piaffe and transitioning to passage. One will experience everything beforehand; the other has to trust for guidance and precision. If you can nail the in-and-out followed by the oxer, the rest is a matter of course.
2-4 Characteristics of Good Readers/Poor Readers Good Readers Poor Readers
2-5 Good Readers Video
2-6 Poor Readers Video
Article 1 Unique attributes Article 14 Unique attributes Common attributes Venn Diagram 2-7
2-8 Processes The Learner Task Text “I do it” “We do it” “You do it”
Sentence Summary Read Article 13 Summary and Conclusions on pp through Write a one-sentence summary. Share your summary with your group. With a group, write a one-sentence summary. 2-9
Processes The Learner Task Text 2-10
The Common Core Standards' three equally important components of text complexity. Qualitative measures – levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader Quantitative measures – readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software Reader and task considerations – motivation, knowledge, interests, experiences, and the complexity of the tasks assigned and the questions posed; assessments are best made by teachers employing their professional judgment, experience, and knowledge of their students and the subject
2- 12 Determining Text Complexity A Four-Step Process: 4.Recommend placement in the appropriate text complexity band 3.Reflect upon the reader and task considerations 2.Analyze the qualitative measures of the text 1.Determine the quantitative measures of the text
2- 13 Determining Text Complexity
2- 14 Determining Text Complexity
2- 15 Determining Text Complexity
2- 16 Determining Text Complexity
2- 17
Text Complexity Choose two texts that your students may read through the year – one expository and one narrative. Use the Qualitative Dimensions of Text Complexity Chart to assist in determining the text complexity of the text chosen. 2-18
Action Research Assignment 3 Building Schema Choose a lesson you will teach out of your text within the coming week. Analyze the background information/schema that students need to have to comprehend the content of the lesson successfully. Prepare a teaching strategy to teach the schema needed to your students and describe what you hope will happen. 2-19
Action Research Assignment 3 (continued) Use the strategy with your students. Describe what strategy you used and what it accomplished, then describe the lesson, analyze how it worked, Reflect on how you might change it the next time you teach to make the lesson even better. 2-20
Reflection Journal 3 and 4 If you consider yourself as a competent reader, share what you feel contributed to your success. Share your frustrations when dealing with comprehension issues in the classroom. 2-21
Literacy Success for All Students: Bridging Theory to Classroom Practice Module II: The Processes PowerPoint Presentation Contact information: Diana Brown Title Slide iStock PLS LSAS Images/ videos PowerPoint Presentation By: Lawanna Martinec © 2013 PLS 3rd Learning.