Lesson Nineteen Integrated Concepts Language Arts: descriptive language, oral language Mathematics: line, shape, symmetry Visual Art: color, line, shape, stained glass, mixed media
This artwork is made with stained glass. Let’s look at it very carefully for a few minutes. What do you notice?
Stained glass art is made by cutting colored glass and joining the cut pieces together with lead to make an image. The lead makes the thick black lines that divide the colors. The colors are clear and bright because the light passes through the colored glass.
How would you describe the subject or person in the image? What does he or she appear to be doing? Support your answer. How would you describe the overall shape of the image? What shapes do you see inside the image?
Details like the face and hair are painted onto the glass and the glass is fired in a special kiln to make the color permanent. Stained glass is most often seen in church windows and in lamps.
This artwork is mixed media. It was done with pencil, wax crayon and ink. How would you describe the subject of this artwork? What details do you notice in this image? What patterns can you identify?
Symmetry means that both sides of a shape are the same. Point out the symmetrical elements of this image. Explain what elements are not symmetrical.
What parts of this image can you identify? What parts of this image are things you do not recognize? What shapes can you find in this image? What do you think was the artist’s purpose in making this artwork?
Let’s compare and contrast the two artworks. How are they alike? How are the different? Look carefully at: colorsubjectartist’s purpose linebackgroundsymmetry shapepatterns
Information about the art and the artists Title: “Untitled” Artist/Dates: Rowan LeCompte Medium: stained glass Size: 30” x 30” Date: c Title: “Snake With Crest Shaped Design Artist/Dates: Minnie Evans, American Medium: wax crayon, graphite, ink on paper Size: 7” x 9.5” Date: 1950 What else would you like to know about the art or the artists? How can you find out?