Materials needed: Tissue paper Blue Green A Big, Black card Scissors Glue
1. Tear the tissue paper into small pieces – the smaller the better!
2. Tear off a piece of wax paper that is double the width that your project will be. Spread glue on one half of the waxed paper. You don’t need a lot of glue – just spread it nice and thin.
3. Look at a real photo of the Earth from the Sky. Then, try to glue the papers on the wax paper and make a replica of the Earth.
4. Spread glue on the other half of the wax paper and fold over the top of the tissue paper. Smooth out the surface and allow to dry.
5. Using a bowl, a plate or something bigger (whatever you have really) cut out a circle from a piece the black card that will be used as Earth’s border. Using a slightly smaller circle, cut out the inside leaving yourself with a thin circle.
6.- Apply a thin line of glue to the circle and glue it on to your Stained Glass Earth.
7. Trim up the edges so it looks nice and neat
8. You can punch a hole in it to hang it up or just tape it to a window or door. Let the light shine in and it looks so pretty!