RESEARCH BASICS What kind of information is needed? Facts Analyses Local codes, standards, etc. Research studies Primary research, if appropriate Where can information be found? Libraries Online
RESEARCH ETHICS Avoiding Plagiarism Cite your sources Summarize or paraphrase as much as possible Primary Research Is it necessary? Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
METHODS/MODELS Scientific Method Method of answering questions by making observations or doing experiments Technological Method An iterative problem-solving model Provides a reference point that can be reiterated as new information/material is introduced
METHODS/MODELS Universal Systems Model Involves a combination of elements/parts to complete a task/project System, input, process, output, feedback
YOUR PROJECTS What topic are you considering? Current product that needs improvement New product to meet demonstrated need Discuss ideas with instructor
QUALITY, RELIABILITY, SAFETY Quality - multiple definitions Characteristics of a product that impact its capability to meet a need Being free of imperfections Reliability The likelihood that a product will not fail
QUALITY, RELIABILITY, SAFETY Safety Ability to keep users safe, prevent accidents, injuries, etc. How can these be built into your product?
RISKS & BENEFITS What are the risks to your product? Exposure to danger, harm, loss What are the benefits to your product? Receive an advantage, profit, or gain Remember to review: Codes Laws Standards
BUDGET What costs will be associated with your project? Research Design Development How can you best estimate costs?
TECHNOLOGY What factors impact the implementation and use of technology? People? Places? Processes? How does technology impact your work? Knowledge? Skill? Processes?
TECHNOLOGY Adaptation – behaviors that allow us to cope with our surroundings Imitation – made to look like something Innovation – improved way of doing something Invention – new product or process
PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT Select a product or identify a need: Research Include discussion of appropriate method/system Risks/Benefits Analyze codes, standards, regulations, etc. Budget Technology Note: Review the provided rubric.
PRESENTATION Based on portfolio of development Well organized Include visuals Content knowledge (ability to answer questions) Delivery of presentation Note: Review the provided rubric