Enlightenment Thinkers
Thomas Hobbes English Philosopher Humans are naturally wicked Absolute monarchy is best Gov created to protect people from their own selfishness “Leviathan” Social Contract
John Locke English Philosopher People have ability to make good choices Gov should be formed only with approval of people they are governing Gov should protect individual freedom and liberty “Two Treatises on Government”
Montesquieu French lawyer and political thinker Monarchy with limited powers is best Separation of powers Developed concept of checks and balances “Spirit of the Laws”
Voltaire French philosopher Used wit to expose corruption and hypocrisy of European society Humorous novel, Candide, looks for the “best of all possible worlds”
Diderot Edits “Encyclopedia” Collected works and denounced slavery, promoted freedom of expression Pope threatened to excommunicate anyone bought or read it Helped spread Enlightenment ideas around the globe
Jean Jacques Rousseau Swiss Philosopher Society has corrupted natural goodness in people Direct democracy is best People’s freedom is protected when people vote to make all laws “Social Contract”
Adam Smith British economist Wrote Wealth of Nations Advocated a “free market” Supporter of “laissez faire”