Welcome! First Grade Lake Wilderness elementary School Mrs. Carrell’s Crystals
Future Ready Active learning: Individual and collaborative Learning targets….visual for students Habits of Mind : Risk Taking, Persistence, Attending, Precision Use of technology Academic rigor Students receive feedback Differentiation Scoring rubrics 4: Exceeding standard 3: Meeting Standard 2: Approaching standard 1: Significantly below standard
Code of Cooperation/Behavior LWES Student Qualities I am safe ! I am respectful ! I am responsible ! I am a learner ! I am a Wildcat !
Reading Read at Home books………read and return each night Books are at an easy to read level Sight words to practice are in bag. When ready for a new list just send a note in the bag! Walk To Read: A shared responsibility and partnership between all the first grade teachers, resource room teachers and children Students are assessed as needed and regrouped as necessary throughout the year. (Typically 3 times per year) A typical week includes the following components: Netbooks: RAZ Kids and Starfall reading programs Independent Reading Guided Reading and Literacy Centers Whole group Reading and phonics lessons
Writers Workshop 3 genres: Narrative, Information, and Opinion * Writing meetings: Lessons and modeling of skills *Sharing: Celebrating work *Conferencing: Setting goals to improve skills *Writers Celebrations: End of units
Math Whole group lessons: Math Expressions Curriculum Unit Assessment Rubric: 4 exceeds, 3 at standard, 2 approaching, 1 significantly below Daily Routine: Working with numbers and math vocabulary Problem Solvers: Word problems and Habits of Mind Rubric scores: 3, 2, 1 Math Fluency: Timed 90 seconds: Addition/subtraction through 12 beginning in October Pass= 18/20 or better
Social studies and science Units (Pilot classroom this year) Communities Sky patterns Sound and Light Plant and Animal Life Mapping
Spelling Word Feature and sight word list home on Fridays… test is on the following Friday
Second Step Program Skills for Social and Academic success ** Skills for learning **Empathy **Emotions **Problem solving
Field Trips Storybook Theater Carco Theater- April Tide pools OR Zoo TBD Late spring
Daily Communication Folders Notes Lunch Money Pick up or bus passes
Birthday Celebrations All students will have a day! Birthday box- book and crown Come to school and eat lunch with your student! No food or treats please!
Volunteers Background check through district office and state patrol-valid for 6 years Chaperone field trips Run read at home program Materials prep Assist in library-shelving books Watch Dog Program-check with office Schedule will be sent home with day and hour.