Welcome to Reception The Early Years in Willow & Pine Presentation Evening 28th September 2015
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside.
The 7 Areas of Learning Prime Areas Communication & Language Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts & Design
Communication and Language Helps children to develop listening and concentration skills. Supports children in developing confidence and skills in expressing themselves. Children learn to speak and listen in a range of situations.
Physical Development Encourages children to move with confidence and control, in a variety of ways. Opportunities to use a range of equipment. Development of spatial awareness. Supports the development of fine motor skills. Recognising the importance of keeping healthy.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Encourages children to be independent and to interact with other children and adults. Helps children to become confident, safe, secure and ready to learn from new experiences. Helps children to recognise the feelings and emotions of others.
L ITERACY Enables children to begin to hear sounds in words and to link these sounds to letters. Encourages children to develop pencil control and to begin to make marks on paper. Helps children to learn to read individual words and simple stories independently.
During the first few weeks most children will have books without, or with very few, words. This encourages children to understand the patterns of stories and supports them in using all cues for reading: Pictures Phonic knowledge ‘Sight’ words R EADING
Reading stories with no words, or very few words Why is the Gruffalo looking so happy? Who’s birthday do you think it is? I wonder what will happen next? Can you remember when you had a birthday cake?
Phonics The children participate in synthetic phonics every morning. The children will learn: Phonemes- individual units of sounds e.g. s-a-t Digraphs e.g. p-ie Trigraphs e.g.l-igh-t Graphemes- a phoneme in it’s written form
Handwriting Cursive handwriting is taught in Phonics sessions Rhymes are taught to help letter formation Handwriting books are to be kept in folder
What can you do to help your child’s literacy development? Sharing books School Reading Book Encourage children in their mark-making and handwriting Encourage children to talk
Mathematics Helps children to count reliably Encourages them to use mathematical vocabulary Develops skills in comparing and sorting objects Supports children’s understanding of shape and size
What can you do to help your child’s mathematical development? Recognise numbers in different contexts and in the environment Practise counting! Play simple board games Sing number rhymes and songs together Look at shapes in the environment
Understanding the World Helps children to gain an understanding of their world through opportunities to explore and observe. Finding out about past and present events in their own lives. Encourages them to explore and investigate. Helps to develop designing and making skills. Opportunities to understand and use information and communication technology.
Expressive arts & design Inspires children to explore a range of media and materials. Encourages expression in a variety of forms. Develops an interest in music, singing and movement and dance. Develops confidence and imagination through role play experiences. Encourages children to share thoughts and ideas in art and design technology.
A SSESSMENT IN THE E YFS Baseline Assessment There are 17 Early Learning Goals across the EYFS, which determine what children are expected to achieve by the end of the Reception year. The EYFS Profile is a summative assessment of each child’s progress towards the early learning goals. Observations throughout the year, inform practitioners of children’s development and next steps –strands are highlighted in the Development Matters document. Activities and experiences are planned accordingly.
Our routine 8.50 Welcome and register Phonics session Assembly Communication &Language/Literacy and Mathematics group work Snack and Playtime Communication &Language/Literacy and Mathematics group work Singing and Story Lunch Expressive Arts & Design/Understanding the World/French/Music Free Flow Circle Time and Story 3.00 Home time
Our routine Usually Pine AM: P.E & ICT Monday Willow AM: P.E & ICT Wednesday Other sessions taken by: Tuesday – Willow class taken by Mrs Bajwa Wednesday – Pine class taken by Mrs Whyte
Events throughout the Year Stay and Play Sessions Whole School Theme Weeks – Arts Week, Literacy Week, Science Week, Be a Good Friend Week….. School Trips Theme Days
Please make sure your child has... A P.E kit, A water bottle, A spare change of clothes, to leave at school, A raincoat and pair of wellington boots ( as we move towards Winter).
Important things to remember! Please be prompt when dropping your child off at school and when collecting. Remember to bring Reading Record book and folder in everyday and check it for notes and letters every evening. Write in any important messages in the Reading Record book e.g. Collection of your child. Any slips to be returned and letters can also go in the folder. Please check the website regularly! If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please wait until the end of the school day and we will arrange a time to meet.
Useful documents and further information Early Years Foundation Stage Documents and Information - riculum/a /early-years-foundation-stage-eyfs riculum/a /early-years-foundation-stage-eyfs 4Children – Information about education and services Phonics programme - Letters and Sounds (2007) - ndetail/page1/DFES ndetail/page1/DFES