Mr InglisHeadteacher Mrs GibsonDepute Headteacher S2 S3 Options Presentation
Eng + Mat 9 periods French 3 Science3 Geo/His/Mod3 Art/Mus 3 F&TT/DAT3 ICT/Dra 3 PE 3 RMPS 2 PSHE1 S1/S2 curriculum Total 33
Eng + Mat 9 periods French3 Social Subject3 Science 3 Option 63 Option 73 Option 8 3 PE 3 RMPS 2 PSHE1 S3/S4 curriculum Total 33
Progression S3/S4 S5 S6 National 5 National 4 National 3 Higher National 5 Adv. Higher Higher National 4 National 5
National 3 and National 4 2 or 3 units of work Assessment at end of each unit Added-value component Graded pass / fail Internally assessed (no final exam) and moderated National 5 Final exam in May/June Graded A / B / C / D National Qualifications
S3 Option Form
Core Subjects Mathematics EnglishFrench
Social Subjects GeographyHistory Modern Studies Scottish Studies
Sciences BiologyChemistry Physics
Option 6 Business Management Computing Science Graphic Communication Chemistry
Option 7 Art & Design Music Fashion & Textile Technology Practical Woodworking Physical Education Design & Manufacture
Option 8 Administration / IT Art & Design Chemistry Spanish Drama Hospitality
Other Core Subjects RMPS Core PE PSHE
PSHE options programme January-February S3 options information evening 28 January S2 options week 8-11 February S2 reports issued on 11 February Parents’evening 18 February Options interviews begin on 22 February Completed option forms by 6 March Timetable completed in May The options process…
discussing choices with your children; satisfying yourself that they are choosing subjects for the right reasons; encouraging your child to get the information required to make informed choices; accessing the S3 online options booklet with your child; contacting pupil support staff with any questions; attending options interview if you wish. You can help by…
S3 Options Presentation S3 online options booklet
Now you have the opportunity to spend visit departments to ask specific questions about their courses and assessments in the National Qualifications. There are 60 teachers here tonight to give you information and advice about courses, lessons and resources. Pupil Support staff are also available to answer any questions. You can also phone them for a more in-depth conversation over the next few weeks. S3 Options Presentation