Advisory Forum, July 2005 Outcome of the first retreat of ECDC Management Team (EXC) 4-5 July 2005 Krägga Herrgård Zsuzsanna Jakab Director ECDC
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Regular retreats and meetings of the EXC To ensure –“working, thinking and acting, together inside and outside the ECDC” –team building
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Agenda of first retreat 1.What kind of ECDC do we build and what is its mandate? (Founding regulation as the basis) 2.To meet expectations of stakeholders, what are the expected results/outcomes to deliver in ? Are they all reflected in the workprogramme for or do we have to go back to the MB with a review?
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Agenda of first retreat cont. 3.Delivery of the workprogramme and use of the funding in our budget for 2005? 4.Administrative and managerial framework in which we operate? 5.Miscellaneous issues; influenza pandemic related issues
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Our vision of ECDC Starting point in the discussion was Regulation 851 Reading the whole text and in particular –Preambular paragraphs –Operative paragraphs 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc. Gives a relatively broad public health mandate through the various functions entrusted to ECDC in the field of communicable diseases and emerging health threats Evaluation in 2 year’s time “To assess impact of ECDC on prevention and control of human diseases” (broad range of actions) Pressure to move fast (prove “added value” in Europe)
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Our vision of ECDC Three main strands in our work: Establish the Centre continuously throughout Build our long-term strategies and activities Deliver results in key areas in the short term
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Our vision of ECDC The ECDC’s prime objective: “to contribute to the protection of human health throughout the EU by reducing the burden of and threat from communicable diseases and other health threats” In collaboration with national institutions, EU institutions and other public health partners The ECDC’s mission is: “to contribute to the reduction of threat from communicable diseases in Europe by: identifying, assessing the risk and co-ordinating the response to threats from communicable diseases and other health threats; providing objective and sound scientific and technical advice and co-operation, building capacity and communicating efficiently with all stakeholders, including the general public.”
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Our vision of ECDC To reach this objective and fulfil its mission (make impact on health of Europeans) The scope of actions has to be kept broad: public health agency to encompass prevention - preparedness – control Essential public health functions will have to be covered (Articles 8-10 of Reg.) –monitor health status, identify and investigate health problems –inform, educate, empower people –mobilize partnership –train public health professionals –link to research for new insights and innovative solutions and provide scientific and technical advise – support the COMM to deliver its functions: develop policies and plans for public health action in Europe develop laws, regulations, directives, decisions –in technical assistance / cooperation function ECDC to support MS’S in next implementation (if requested) CORECORE COMMCOMM CORECORE
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Our vision of ECDC Where do we want to be in 5 years from now ? ECDC To provide coordination in EU 25 within its mandate (leadership ?) To be an active, operational institution with regular interaction with Member States Be a science and evidence-based organization Be a one-stop-shop in Europe (within our mandate) Have an impact on health of European citizens –Through better prevention and control of communicable diseases –Through strengthened defences of Europe against new and emergency threats Strengthen public health capacity in Europe Strong links to public health research (applied research) Become an Organization which enjoys the confidence of citizens Plays a role beyond EU 25 to protect European citizens Plays a role in global health to promote global health (globalized, interconnected world)
Advisory Forum, July 2005 Work programme Prerequisites for success Excellent staff recruitment on-going Comprehensive work programme: –2005 – 6 workprogramme reviewed needs updating to make real progress in two years September/ October new plans ready for division at Advisory Forum/Management Board Accountability : managerial process for planning, monitoring and evaluation will be put in place Expected results / expected outcome agreed upon (Advisory Forum, Management Board) and all the inputs (deliverables: products, activities) will be planned to reach there outcomes Organigram fine – tuned next year In 2005 matrix type of management put in place Supportive administration and management Delegation of authority
Advisory Forum, July 2005 WP 2005 – 6 Matrix – type of management at ECDC in 2005 Director Unit for Scientific Advice Unit for Surveillance and Communication Unit for Preparedness and Response Unit for Administration and Management I N F L U E N Z A PROJECT H I V / A I D S / S T I / PROJECT A N T I M I C R O B I A L R E S I S T A NC E Z O O N O S I S ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Projects serve the purpose: to put our acts together on diseases horizontally, as ECDC is organized according to functional lines (start with influenza)
Advisory Forum, July 2005 WP 2005 – 2006 Horizontal functions at ECDC Preparation of and follow up to governing body (Management Board) and advisory body (Advisory Forum) Administration Media and Stakeholders relations Partnership Health information, publications Web site, intranet Country support function Projects on diseases or groups of diseases and many more !
Advisory Forum, July 2005 WP 2005 – 2006 Priorities We should cover all communicable diseases Question: should we prioritize? If prioritize following priorities to start with –Influenza –HIV, STI, TBC –Auto–microbial resistance –Zoonosis Comments from Advisory Forum welcome?