Youth Guarantee in Italy Brussels The 26th of March 2015 Dr. Marianna D’Angelo
Some figures (context indicators) 1/3 Eurostat and Istat data Neet rate, aged 15-24, in European Countries (2013)
Neet rate, aged 15-24, in Italian Regions (2013) Some figures (context indicators) 2/3 Eurostat and Istat data
Neet rate, aged 15-24, in Italy, by educational attainment (2013) Some figures (context indicators) 3/3 Eurostat and Istat data
Financial resources Co- financing (378) ESF (567,5) YEI (567,5)
Financial resources Direct Regional Actions Unemployed aged Average 2012 (thousands) Amounts Direct Regional Actions Piemonte41, Valle d'Aosta1, Liguria11, Lombardia76, Autonomous Province of Trento3, Veneto35, Friuli-Venezia Giulia8, Emilia-Romagna31, Toscana27, Umbria9, Marche12, Lazio59, Abruzzo13, Molise3, Sardegna23, Campania82, Puglia51, Basilicata7, Calabria29, Sicilia76, Ministry of Labour actions Actions related to the recovery and orientation of people who drop out of school Actions that support and reinforce public employment services Total €
Measures addressed to young people Registration Guidance Counselling Training Community service Job Matching Employment Apprenticeship PromotionTraineeship SupportSelf-employment Guidance for drop- outs from the education and training system Link with PES and PRES Return to the education and training system
Status of implementation 1/3
Status of implementation 2/3
Status of implementation 3/3 The correlation between the programmed actions and programmatic commitments
Registered participants Total Registered participants
Service pact subscribers as a share of the registered participants – at the 18 th of March
First results of the NOP YEI (in terms of numbers of NEET)
The two key actions to counteract youth unemployment in Italy 1/2 In consideration of the difficult Italian economic crisis, the Ministry of Labour has focused on the most useful actions to counteract youth unemployment, including: CIVIL SERVICE Objective: to provide experience on the areas of the national and regional civil service (assistance to persons, civil protection, environment, cultural heritage, education and cultural promotion) and soft skills (teamwork, group dynamics, problem solving, braistorming). HIRING INCENTIVES Objective: to provide incentives to companies for job placement of young people.
CIVIL SERVICE Young people to reached by the measures: 1221 Based on some Italian research: -95% of boys believes the experience of civil service useful to enhance their skills HIRING INCENTIVES Companies to reached by the measures: 738 Something about the data on employability… The two key actions to counteract youth unemployment in Italy 2/2
Monitoring: Result indicators Registered participants Number of participants who subscribed the service pact Participants who have received basic services Participants who are offered an active policy measure People reached by the measures Female Mobility Male Mobility ,69%2.62%
Financial resources Anticipation of resources made by Italian Government Ministry of Labour Ministry of Economy and Financ National Standard costs to be implemented in all Regions
Employment services’ operators have undergone training courses
Profiling During the individual job interview, the public employment service (PES) or the accredited private operator, confer an index to the young person (called “profiling class”), which, on the basis of the information provided, assesses the degree of difficulty for a candidate in finding a job. The 4 classes provided, set out in Annex 2 of the Decree, are listed below and are presented on the basis of their increasing difficulty: -Profiling class 1: LOW DIFFICULTY; -Profiling class 2: MEDIUM DIFFICULTY; -Profiling class 3: HIGH DIFFICULTY; -Profiling class 4: VERY HIGH DIFFICULTY.
Participants taken in charge by educational qualification Participants taken in charge by profiling Fonte: Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali
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