Maryland Colony By: Micah Ledford
Pastime/Hobby Candle making-each family needed about 400 plus a year! Paper quillwork, Shadow silhouettes, exploring glass structures, Played various kinds of instruments/music- concerts, armonica, water filled glasses, Horse racing, cock fighting, bull baiting-chain a bull to a post and then let trained dogs attack it
Trades and Farming-Blacksmith Made tools, fixed tools, made materials out of iron Needed tools to hold and mold the hot metal Worked on a big block of metal called and anvil Also a blacksmith served as a dentist to its settlement because he was the only one who had a cure for a toothache, he pulled out the tooth that hurt.
Family Life Each person in a family did there own share of work Family’s had difficulty with climate, food sources, religion, and a lack of survival skills The father was considered the head of the family The mother worked at home taking care of the kids, making food, mending clothing, getting water, making candles, soaps and other items
Children went to school, some worked but not a lot, played and worshiped
Communication Spoke and passed down things orally, presentations lasted hours, stump speakers, Communicated through pictures, letters, some settlements had runners, printing presses Nearly a century after the first colonies were established the made newspapers
Relations with Other People Groups Indians-Mix of cooperative and conflict Led to setbacks, skirmishes, wars, and Indian gain of land Traded well with other colonies- food, resources, clothing, crops, etc.
Religion Baptist or Anglican Had a day called the Sabbath and they rested that day including adults and children- On the Sabbath they went to church usually all day and took a break to eat a large meal
Education Some went to school some didn’t If you did go to school they taught you how to read, write and do math Parents wanted to learn how to read so they could read their Bible Didn’t have textbooks-they learned form hornbooks
Daily Life (Food, Games, Transportation, Housing, etc) Were responsible for outdoor duties, such as farming, building, and butchering During the winter the were mostly freed from labor because the crops required no care Games-OUTDOOR-Rolling the hoop, Leap Frog, Marbles, Hop-scotch, Hide and seek, Sac races, and kite flying, INDOOR- pickup sticks, spinning tops, tongue twister puzzles, whirligigs and reading
Breakfast was early if you were poor and late if you were rich No lunch, Dinner was the mid-day meal and was considered to the Big Meal. Super was the evening meal Breakfast- Cider or beer, bowl of porridge, Towns-Beer, Corn meal mush, Molasses Dinner- Stew included-Pork, sweet corn, cabbage, other vegetables-Dessert or 2nd Course- Pies, Fritters, Fruits, Supper-Basically leftovers or a bedtime snack- Potatoes, eggs, oats
Climate Climate in Colonial Maryland was much colder than Maryland is today The average temperature in Maryland today is H-87 L-23 Colonial Maryland’s average temperature was anywhere from 5-20 degrees lower than the modern temperature