Dr Cameron Archer Chair Primary Industries Education Foundation Enabling Children to Learn Where Their Food Comes From Public Health Association of Australia Conference April 2010 Canberra
Purposes of PIEF (As established by national federal industry, government and education roundtable) 1.Provide national leadership in Primary Industries Education-Birth- Year Commission, facilitate and manage PI educational projects. 3.Credible one-stop shop for educators. 4.Communicate latest R&D
Origins of the Foundation: Conversations between state-based groups National stock take and meeting Federal minister convenes roundtable. Late 2007-constitution written for national body Represenative working party formed Not for Profit Company Established.
Origins cont. Founding members; MLA, NFF, Aust Council of Deans, NAAE and CB Alexander Foundation. Skills based board appointed by independent process led by Dr. Mary Corbett PIEF officially announced by Hon. Tony Burke Interim Chief Executive appointed.
What’s happening in schools? National Curriculum. Literacy and Numeracy in context. Knowledge of learning Partnerships Garden/Sustainability movement – Gardens, tanks, energy. Low impact. Context-highly engaging.
PIEF’s role now Primary Industries Sector Need for: Better informed community. Reduced country/city divide Reversal of skills shortage Education Sector Access to engaging context. Support for Australian Curriculum Quality information. Teacher professional learning Easily accessed resources at low/no cost. Make a difference
PIEF –Where to now? Operational/Governance 2010 Stock take Member network ACARA RDC’s-developing collaboration Linkages with Professional Educator Groups Educational Projects-Short/Medium/Long term Website/Branding