It would be beneficial for your child to read for at least 20 minutes a day. They should be able to read at least 95% of their book fluently. Make reading an enjoyable experience for your child! Ask questions to check their understanding of the text.
Guided Reading is set by ability. Guided Reading is completed at least once a week for 30 minutes. When your child is not doing Guided Reading they will be completing other activities to develop their reading and comprehension skills. Children follow the schools colour coded reading books. Most children become free-readers during their time in Year 5 or 6.
From November we will be starting a new spelling programme suitable for the New National Curriculum. Your child will receive 10 spellings to practice each week using a specific spelling focus. Each set of spellings follow the progression and requirements of the New English Programme of Study. It is very important that these spellings are regularly practiced at home throughout the week.
Reading is all about enjoyment! This PowerPoint and further information can be found on the Earsham Primary Website in the Class 3 and 4 Pages! Thank You For Coming!