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Horsemanship SafetyHorse Parts 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points The Basics Saddle/ Bridle Parts
What is the Bit? 10 pts
What is the Cinch? 20 pts
What is the Pommel? 30 pts
What is the Cantle? 40 pts
What is the Swells? 50 pts
The side you walk your horse on
What is the Left side? 10 pts
The verbal command to stop a horse
What is Whoa? 20 pts
The correct type of shoes one should wear when working or riding horses
What are boots or close-toed shoes with a heel? 30 pts
Where you should approach a horse at
What is the Shoulder? 40 pts
When in the correct riding position, these parts of your body should be in line
What is the Shoulder, Hip, and Heel 50 pts
The 3 basic gaits of the horse
What are the Walk, Trot, and Lope or Canter 10 pts
Name and function
What is a Curry Comb? Used to remove caked on mud from body and loosen dirt 20 pts
The basic aids used in controlling a horse
What are Voice, Hands, and Seat (Legs) 30 pts
What is a Stripe?
The curb or chin strap should be loose enough to allow for
What is Two fingers? 50 pts
Where you should walk when leading a horse
What is at the Throatlatch or beside the horse? 10 pts
Where you should pass someone in the ring
What is the Inside of a horse? 20 pts
The distance you should leave between you and the horse in front of you
What is a Horse length? 30pts
The part of the foot that you ride on in the stirrup
What is the Ball? 40 pts
The main things you should do when safely backing a horse
What is flex with reins lightly, squeeze with your legs, and say “back”? 50 pts
What is the Withers? 10 pts
What is the Heart Girth? 20 pts
What is the Hock? 30 pts
What is the Croup? 40 pts
What is the Stifle? 50 pts
Make your wager
When using direct pull, to get a horse to turn to the right which rein do you use
What is the Right Rein