fellowShip Pt.1: Are You On Board? John 17:20-21 Introduction: (1.)The CROSS, a symbol of Jesus’ crucifixion is an intersection. -Intersection: a place where two or more lines or pathways -Intersection: a place where two or more lines or pathways meet at a “COMMON” point. meet at a “COMMON” point. -The reason that Christians are able to come together despite -The reason that Christians are able to come together despite our diversity is because of the “COMMONALITY” of Jesus our diversity is because of the “COMMONALITY” of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins (Galatians 6:14). dying on the cross for our sins (Galatians 6:14).
fellowSHIP Pt.1: Are You On Board? John 17:20-21 Introduction: The Cross Is An Intersection! (2.)Most wrecks happen at intersections when people fail to submit to the rules of the road. -People can “collide” together or “mesh” together. -People can “collide” together or “mesh” together. -God want his children to mesh together. -God want his children to mesh together. *God’s children COLLIDE instead of MESH when we fail to *God’s children COLLIDE instead of MESH when we fail to submit to the rules of love (1 Cor. 13). submit to the rules of love (1 Cor. 13). (3.)WHAT ARE THE RULES OF LOVE? -1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is & is not the following: -1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is & is not the following: Patient, Kind, not Jealous, not Boastful, not Prideful, not Rude, not Selfish, not Irritable, Keeps no record of wrong, Rejoices in Truth, (Bears, Believes, Hopes, and Endures all things).
fellowSHIP Pt.1: Are You On Board? John 17:20-21 Introduction: (4.)Fellowship (koinonia)- to associate with a community that shares a “COMMON” interest. -COMMUNITY: The root word of community is commune. -COMMUNITY: The root word of community is commune. -To commune with somebody is to be intimate with or DRAW -To commune with somebody is to be intimate with or DRAW CLOSE TO THAT PERSON. CLOSE TO THAT PERSON. *FELLOWSHIP IS TO DRAW CLOSE TO EACH OTHER AS A *FELLOWSHIP IS TO DRAW CLOSE TO EACH OTHER AS A PART GOD’S FAMILY. PART GOD’S FAMILY. -Our problem is that we want to be close to God but not -Our problem is that we want to be close to God but not close to each other (1 John 4:20). close to each other (1 John 4:20).
fellowSHIP Pt.1: Are You On Board The? John 17:20-21 Body: (A.)In John 17, Jesus is praying the LORD’S PRAYER. -Matthew 6:9-13 is the MODEL PRAYER; NOT THE -Matthew 6:9-13 is the MODEL PRAYER; NOT THE LORD’S PRAYER (Our Father, who art in Heaven)… LORD’S PRAYER (Our Father, who art in Heaven)… *It isn’t the Lord’s Prayer because Jesus OUR LORD can’t pray *It isn’t the Lord’s Prayer because Jesus OUR LORD can’t pray forgive us our sins because he never sinned. forgive us our sins because he never sinned. (B.)VS.21 Jesus prays for US to be one as he and his Father are one. -Fellowship is God’s will! -Fellowship is God’s will! *As Jesus is 1 with the Father, we are to be 1 with each *As Jesus is 1 with the Father, we are to be 1 with each other. other. *When we are 1, we all Win, Lose, Hurt, & Rejoice Together! *When we are 1, we all Win, Lose, Hurt, & Rejoice Together!
fellowSHIP Pt.1: Are You On Board? John 17:20-21 Body: (C.)VS.21 Jesus wants us to be one THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE that God sent Jesus. -The fellowship of the church is important because -The fellowship of the church is important because it causes the world to believe in Christ. it causes the world to believe in Christ. *People will not believe in our Christ if we can’t *People will not believe in our Christ if we can’t get along with each other! get along with each other!Close: (1.)NRS is a church of fellowSHIP! -We are close to each other. -We are close to each other. *Are you really on board this ship, or are you a distant *Are you really on board this ship, or are you a distant member getting ready to be left behind? member getting ready to be left behind?