Bell Work: 1/30/2015 Explain the relationship between DNA, chromatin, chromatids, and chromosomes. You may use words, pictures, or both. You may use your DNA notes (“How DNA Works” flow chart) or pgs to help.
Bell Work Discussion DNA wrapped around proteins = chromatin Chromatin gets compacted into structures called chromatids Two identical chromatids = a chromosome
3 3 Objectives: Describe the relationship among genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits. (SPI ) Sequence a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during plant cell division. (SPI )
Word Wall: Word of the Day gametophyte: the plant body that produces the gametes
59. Mitosis Foldable
Interphase 01/25/12
Explain to your elbow partner the job of Interphase and why it is an important phase of the cell cycle. 01/25/12
Prophase 01/25/12
Metaphase 01/25/12
Explain to your elbow partner where the chromatids line up during Metaphase and why that is important to cell division. 01/25/12
Anaphase 01/25/12
Explain to your elbow partner why the chromatids (sisters) get pulled to opposite sides of the cell. 01/25/12
Telophase 01/25/12
Cytokinesis 01/25/12
Compare and contrast Telophase and Cytokinesis to your elbow partner. 01/25/12
I I nterphase P P rophase M M etaphase A A naphase T T elophase C C ytokinesis IPMATC I Pray M ore At T he Church
DNA is copied
Chromatin becomes chromatids
chromatids attach and line up
Chromatids separate and move
Two new nuclei form; mitosis complete
Cytoplasm divides into two new cells
2 minute Journal Show a series of diagrams that depict chromosome movement during cell division. Use your hand motions to help!