"OUR HEARTS DID MELT" Joshua 2:11 Joshua 2:11 And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.
A Woman of Faith Harlot A Woman of Faith Harlot The Evidence of the Power of God Almighty Recognized Authority of God Demonstrates Unquestionable Trust in God
The Evidence of the Power of God Almighty Nations Would Hear of the Coming of the Children of Israel Exo 15:14-15, Gen 35:5 Some History Exodus of Israel from Egypt Exo. 12:40-41 Exo. 12:40-41
The Evidence of the Power of God Almighty Giving of the Law of Moses Exo. 20 Wilderness Wandering Num.14:26-45
Recognized Authority of God FAINT BECAUSE OF YOU Josh 2: 9-10 Josh 2: 9-10 SOME FACTS DRIED UP THE WATER OF THE RED SEA EXO 14:20-22 WHOM YE UTTERLY DESTROYED NUM 21:21-35, Josh 2: 9-10 FOR WE HAVE HEARD Josh2:10
Indisputable, Undeniable, Resounding, Absolute TRUST Rahab’s Protection Of The Two Spies Of Israel Rahab’s Redirection Of The Spies Demonstrates Unquestionable Trust in God
Rahab’s Reward Of Salvation Rahab The Harlot Shall Live Her Faith Would Be Honored HerWork Is An Example She Was Named In The Lineage of Christ DemonstratesUnquestionable TrustinGod Demonstrates Unquestionable Trust in God
Strength in our confidence of our Salvation Strength in our confidence of our Salvation GOD IS OUR STRENGTH UNTO SALVATION Ex 15:2, 2 Sam 22:33 GOD IS OUR CONFIDENCE IN SALVATION Hab 3:18, Isa 12:2 CHRIST IS OUR STRENGTH UNTO SALVATION 1 Pet 5:10, Eph 3: 14 CHRIST IS OUR CONFIDIENCE UNTO SALVATION Eph 3:12, Heb 3:14-1, 1 Joh 2:28
IN OUR SALVATION WE HAVE ALL CONFIDENCE AND STRENGTH THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION Rom 1:16 The only door (the Way) Joh 10:9 His grace is sufficient Ac 15:11 Through His blood Rom 5:9 Learned He obedience Heb 5:8 Christ a Precious Gift 2 Cor 9:15