A lot of questions and a few answers about the CSCC Mathematics Curriculum Lee Wayand & T.J. Duda CSCC Mathematics
The Current “BIA” Pathway (Beginning and Intermediate Algebra)
3 Credits
Some Success Data (AU13/SP14) SP 14 Success RateAU 13 Success Rate MATH 1050 (traditional)49%46% MATH 1075 (traditional)54%59% MATH 1050 (web/blended)28%29% MATH 1075 (web/blended)37%30% MATH %60%
OBR : OTM Mathematics Guidelines Evolving Transfer acceptance based on Learning Outcomes Prescribed Prerequisites replaced with Outcomes Encouraging Innovation
New Pathway Vision Math 1025 Quant. Lit. Stat 1350 Statistics Math 1119 Fire Science/EMS DEV 0114 Computer Science A.A.S 2-yr BIA Quant. Reasoning Math for Lib. Arts PreCalculus Calculus Transfer 4-yr
An Example that Actually Exists!