U.S. History GHSGT Preparation
Virginia Company Joint-Stock company that established Jamestown.
Jamestown, VA 1 st Permanent English settlement
Tobacco An agricultural crop that yielded great cash for Virginia. Called a Cash Crop. Helped Jamestown and Virginia survive.
Powhatan Native American tribe near Jamestown. Initially good relations. Relations became hostile and they warred with Jamestown settlers.
Bacon’s Rebellion Uprising of Virginia frontiersmen. Led by Nathaniel Bacon. Against the VA government due to Indian attacks on the frontier. 1 st example of class struggle in America.
House of Burgesses Established in Virginia in 1619 Elected representatives helped govern the colony. Example of a representative democracy in the Colonies.
Town Hall Meetings Example of Direct Democracy A promising step toward genuine self- government.
Religious Tensions – Rhode Island Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts. Founded Rhode Island based on freedom of religious and political beliefs. Separation of Church and State.
Religious Tensions – Half Way Covenant A compromise made by the Puritans that allowed the younger generation of children to become members of the Church. To expand church membership.
Religious Tensions – Salem Witchcraft Trials Unsettled social & religious conditions in a rapidly evolving Massachusetts. Example of how religion and government was mixed with disastrous results.
French Settlement of Quebec Settled to establish a fur trade with the Native Americans.
Navigation Acts A series of laws enacted by parliament, beginning in 1651, to tighten England’s control of trade in its American Colonies.
The Mayflower Compact Established a colonial government deriving power from consent of the governed. Example of a direct democracy in the colonies. Present day town meetings are and example of direct democracy.
Mercantilism Trade with the colonies was regulated by Great Britain. The British sold expensive manufactured goods to colonists While the colonist sold cheaper raw materials, such as tobacco and cotton, to the British.
Triangular Trade The transatlantic system of trade in which goods and people, including slaves, were exchanged between Africa, England, Europe, The west Indies, and the colonies in North America.
Middle Passage The voyage that brought enslaved Africans to the West Indies and later to North America.
Benjamin Franklin An example of Social Mobility in that he was born in poverty and through his efforts become a successful businessman. As ambassador to France was instrumental in acquiring French foreign assistance during the Revolutionary war.
Great Awakening A period of dramatic religious revival in Colonial history 1730’s Influenced politics by driving colonist to question authority of government. A spiritual belief in democratic concepts such as freedom, equality, etc.
French and Indian War War between Britain and France British eventually defeated the French and gained control of Canada The large debt caused by the war made the British collect taxes from the colonist. The collection of taxes angered the Colonist.
Proclamation Line of 1763 Line created by Parliament and King George III that outlawed colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Stamp Act 1765 Law in which Parliament established the first direct taxation of goods and services within the colonies. Required a tax on newspapers and Legal documents. Colonist Protested by Boycott
Townshend Act A series of laws enacted by parliament in 1767, establishing indirect taxes on goods imported from Britain by the British Colonies in North America. Levied tax on everyday items including tea, glass, and paint.
Tea Act Gave the British East India Company a monopoly on tea. Sparked the Boston Tea Party, which was conducted by the Sons of Liberty
Sons of Liberty Protest group formed after the passing of the Stamp Act. Led by Samuel Adams.
Intolerable “Coercive” Acts A series of laws enacted by Parliament in 1774, to punish Massachusetts colonist for the Boston Tea party. These laws took away colonists right to trial by jury soldiers could search and seize any property at any time Colonist were required to house soldiers at any time.
Thomas Paine Wrote the pamplet, Common Sense Promoted American Independence!