Presentation of the Caribbean Scientific Union, CCC (CSU), and the common activities and programes supported by IANAS and IAP Prof. Dr. Nelson Moreno-Ceballos, President of CCC
Origin and profile The Caribbean Scientific Union was founded on Nov. 24, 2000, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. It is a network integrated by 10 Science Academies and four Similar Institutions of the region:
Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Colombia Academy of Physis, Mathematics, and Exact Sciences (ACEFYN), Costa Rica Academy of Sciences, Cuba Academy of Sciences, Guatemala of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Honduras National Academy of Sciences, Mexican Academy of Sciences, Nicaragua Academy of Sciences, Dominican Republic Academy of Sciences, Venezuela Academy of Physics, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences, Panamanian Association for the Advance of Sciences, El Salvador National Council for Sciences and Technology (CONACYT), CARISCIENCE, & Preparatory Committee in Haiti.
In the past 5 years we have consolidated our institution and improved its role and impact on educational policies, and linked various countries to the process of scientific formulation of policies of Science and Society. In 10 years we have run 10 Assambles. With IAP support we are organizing Academies in various countries of the region, where there are enough human resources. The Nicaraguan Academy was founded and reorganized the Academy of Honduras and are currently working on the organization of those from Panama, El Salvador and Puerto Rico.
Together the Academy of Sciences of Dominican Republic with the Foreign Affairs Secretary, the Secretary of the State for Education, Science and Technology (SESCyT) support the work of the CCC office. This includes the support for 2 diplomats, 1 executive secretary and 1 assistant. We work together with IAP in various activities such as Capacity Building, Communication and Education.