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Presentation transcript:

原住民的音樂 The aborigines’ music 排灣族 Paiwan Taipei Zhong Zheng Senior High School Grade 10 Members 組員 : 吳青芳 (Wu Ching- Fang) 、劉懿樂 (Liu Yi- Le) 、 朱志祥 (Chu Chih- Hsiang) 、胡東瀚 (Hu Tung- Han) 、 連尚明 (Lián shàng- míng) Teacher :洪心怡( Hung Hsin-Yi )

台灣原住民第三大族群 The third aboriginal tribe of Taiwan Among the Taiwanese aborigines, Paiwan is the third largest clan (only second to Atayal and Amis), and the population is 67,000 people. The population is distributed in southern Taiwan, especially Pingtung County. Paiwan society is caste-based.

排灣族的物質文化 The aterial culture of Paiwan Paiwan can be said to be the most gorgeous and graceful clan of all the Taiwanese aborigines. Its complicated cross-weaving in early days is widely favored by many collectors. In recent years, its embroidery and rich images indicate clansmen’s talents in embroidery art. Jewel accessories are often limited to the noble class. Take Cape No.7 for example. In it, azure stone beads are one of the jewels of Paiwan.

排灣族的組織制度 The organization system of Paiwan 1.Hereditary class system 2.Gender equality 3.The adoration of ancestors’ spirits 4.The fancy art of adornment 5.Own the ability and productivity to create arts 6.The eldest son inherits patrimony and own allotment property right 7.Blend and absorb the characteristic of other cultures

排灣族的宗教信仰與祭典活動 Religious Belief and Sacrificial Rites of Paiwan The faith in supernatural beings and many gods is the religious view of the Paiwan tribe. It treats hundred-paced snakes as its ancestors.

百步蛇民族的自然人聲藝術 The art of the natural human voice Paiwan is a tribe that is good at expressing life systems with arts. For instance, its people can sing and dance to express themselves. In terms of singing on stage, it can be divided into three major types : Unison Basso Ostinato recto tono

排灣族的樂器 The Musical Instruments of Paiwan What Paiwan people often use as their common musical instruments is woodwind ones, Including two- tube nose whistles, one-tube nose whistle, vertical whistles and horizontal whistles. In the left photo is a tribesman giving a musical performance with a nose whistle In the upper photo is a nose whistle

範例音樂 Example music 排灣族鼻笛演奏 Paiwan nose whistle performance 排灣族男女對唱情歌 Paiwan men and women singing madrigals 排灣族相思之歌 Paiwan sing songs to express their longing

參考資料 Reference The website of National Traditional Art Center Other websites