Window Fashions Division
Review the safety of new equipment ◦ Before placed into production ◦ Ideally – guide engineers during design ◦ Equipment sent to other sites is reviewed too HDMSC – responsible for review procedure EHS Engineer representatives Maintenance Master electrician Electrical engineer Ergonomist Automation controls Laser safety
Safety ‣Safeguards ‣Mechanical hazards ‣Electrical hazards ‣Training ‣PPE ‣Maintenance ‣Workplace analysis Ergonomic ‣Displays ‣Physical demands ‣Postures/Reach ‣Work area ‣Environment
Electrical ‣Enclosures ‣Labels ‣Grounding ‣Wire size, colors ‣Circuit breakers ‣Safety interfaces Other checklists: PLC Laser Mechanical ‣Safeguards ‣Power transmission equipment ‣Guarding ‣Operator controls ‣Work area ‣Hot surfaces
Next step/process improvement: Incorporate risk assessment into process Allows for formal process of assessing machine throughout process Goal: design out hazards Risk Assessment DESIGNDEVELOPMENTBUILDPRODUCTIONMODIFICATION