Goal ◦ Designing a friendly and simple graphical user interface facilites a video conference funtionality. ◦ The design should satisfy different group of people such doctors, assistants, patients and etc.
Simple and flexible windows manipulation Login ◦ Identify perfil of the user Manage of contact list Make call ◦ Call one to one ◦ Call one to many ◦ Invite participants from the contact list ◦ Share file in the conference ◦ Chat funtionality in the conference History ◦ Records of the conferences Set up ◦ Audio ◦ Camera ◦ Sounds
Doctor contact a patient Video Conference between multi-points Doctor, specialist and partient Meeting from conference room to patient Video Conference between rooms in different hospitals From conference room to conference room From patient to doctor or vice versa.
Some major scenarios are as follows: Doctor contact a patient From conference room to patient From conference room to conference room From patient to doctor or vice versa.
1.Login, Register
To achieve this goal I will: Study the software requirements Human Study of GUI Study the other video conferencing systems such as Skype, Tandberg, …etc. Having meetings with our team and other responsible person Define and study different scenarios for GUI List the software requirements for different scenarios for GUI Draw the WBS of software requirements for different scenarios Design one or different GUIs for different Scenarios Make the design more realistic from implementation point of view and according to Minisip capabilities Make proposal to the customers and if they like that; Design the dummy GUI using special software Offer the final proposal