South Birmingham Community Health Journey to Community Foundation Trust
Who we are? South Birmingham Community Health (SBCH) currently a provider of health services within South Birmingham Primary Care Trust (PCT). in the process of formally separating from the PCT. been operating as an independent organisation, within the PCT structure, since April 2008 with its own Board of Directors. working towards becoming one of the first Community Foundation Trusts (CFT) in the country.
South Birmingham Community Health provides high quality accessible and responsive community and specialist NHS services within South Birmingham and beyond. provides more than 100 different healthcare services which employs around 3,300 staff. each year engages in nearly one million contacts with patients and other end users. registered with the Care Quality Commission for the provision of services. been successful in obtaining awards in Customer Excellence and Investor in People. have a track record of financial viability and meeting national targets.
Who Commissions us Our turnover is £160.6 million Around £120 million is received from health care commissioners, of which –39% from NHS South Birmingham, –29% from NHS Birmingham East & North, –16% from the West Midlands Specialist Commissioning Team.
Our journey so far
Changing Times Operating Framework Transforming Community Services Commissioning Review in Birmingham Our Journey to CFT
Our plans PLAN According to legislation only an NHS Trust is able to apply to become a Foundation Trust. We would firstly need to become an NHS Trust to enable us to apply to become a Community Foundation Trust NOT in PLAN Being established as an NHS Trust will not result in changes to the current services that we provide. Our aim is to improve access to community services wherever possible, not to make it more difficult.
Why a Community Foundation Trust? Department of Health confirmed that it supports the creation of a small number of Community Foundation Trusts. Our aspiration since 2006 has been to become one of these. Being established as a Community Foundation Trust is important for the future of the organisation and our services. The Foundation Trust model will strengthen our accountability to the population we serve and give us the freedom to reform the way in which community services are provided on a much larger scale than we are able to at present.
Benefits becoming an NHS Trust Unlikely to be aware of any differences in the short term, our plans are aimed at producing long term benefits. Being established as an NHS Trust will mean: –can apply to become a Foundation Trust –clarity for our patients and stakeholders which organisation is responsible for providing the services that they are accessing.
Benefits It will ensure that our core and specialist community based services continue to be provided by an organisation with: A History of working in partnership to redesign services around the needs of patients Understanding of the demography and challenges that are faced. A Track Record of delivering tangible benefits to patients through a dedicated programme of Transformational Change A Service Configuration that mirrors that of the Local Authority to promote and facilitate partnership working and support the move towards seamless care for patients.
Benefits The Ability to act responsively and assume responsibility for additional services to support the current PCT re- configuration in Birmingham; to ensure minimum disruption for patients and for staff. Expertise in managing Long Term Conditions which is fundamental to moving towards a ‘predict and prevent’ model of care’; to help to reduce avoidable admissions to hospital. A Reputation for high quality community provision; support of 3 local PCTs given - our plans support World Class Commissioning Agenda.
What are the timescales? We have successfully gained Secretary of State’s approval to move to the next stage, which is applying to secure NHS Trust status. One option is to be established on the 1st July 2010 and another being October The structures that we already have in place allow us to move quickly towards being established as an NHS Trust.
What would we be called? Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust (BCHC)