What is Identity Finder? Identity Finder is a program that is installed on your desktop, laptop, or server to locate personally identifiable information, including social security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and driver license numbers.
Why Should I Install Identity Finder? In order to reduce the risk to the University, we need all faculty and staff to locate where sensitive data lives and eliminate all instances that do not need to be maintained. Often times we don’t think we store sensitive data. However, after scanning we find that data lives in unexpected places and many times there are high thresholds of this data.
How Often Should I Scan? You can scan as often as you like. However, at least one scan should be completed every six months and all sensitive data found that does not need to be maintained by the University should be digitally shredded using Identity Finder.
Who Should Use Identity Finder? ITS strongly urges that all faculty and staff that have been provisioned Pace University computers should install and scan using Identity Finder.
What Files Does Identity Finder Scan? Identity Finder will scan all user files that are located on your local computer. If you have Microsoft Outlook installed on your computer, it will search all that has been downloaded locally.
Review Your Scan Next, click on the “Advanced” option to review your results.
Save and Close Identity Finder Please make sure that after you have completed deleting items to save your work. After saving your work, please close the Identity Finder program.