Earthworms By Reece
How do earthworms help the earth? Earthworms contribute to the growth of plants. Earthworms are a food source for birds. Earthworms are fishing bait. Earthworms help the soil be healthy.
What do worms look like? Earthworms are long and thin. Earthworms are more than 100 feet long. Earthworms have brown skin. Earthworms body’s are made of segments. Earthworms body can taste.
Where do worms live? Earthworms live in the soil. Earthworms live in water. Earthworms live in the forest.
What do worms eat? Earthworms eat rotting vegetables. Earthworms eat from there gizzards. Earthworms feed off plants.
Worm facts Earthworms also are called night crawlers. Earthworms have five hearts. Earthworms do not have eyes or ears. Earthworms have no backbone. Earthworms have a sense of touch. Earthworms can be feet or meters long. The tiniest earthworm can be seen through a microscope.
Earthworm’s enemies Birds and other animals.
Works cited 9/13/11 9/13/11 Nature’s Children Book Jen Green 9/15/11
About Me My Name is Reece. My Favorite color is Sky Blue. My Favorite thing to do is play sports.