Dr S H Quraishi Consultant Psychiatrist Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
PMETB How to prepare a successful Application Portfolio for CESR
PMETB Functional- September 2005 Applications under article 14(4)- July 2005
PMETB CCT- In all specialities GP Certification Another route to Specialist Register- Article 14 (4) & (5)
PMETB Establishing standards and requirements for postgraduate medical education and training. Making sure these standards and requirements are met. Developing and promoting postgraduate medical education and training across the country
PMETB Article 14 (4)
Objectives of this session Why Portfolio How to structure Portfolio
Before Preparing Application Portfolio Check Speciality Guidance & Application Forms Speciality Specific guidelines Speciality Curriculum
Why a Portfolio Changes to postgraduate medicine Competency based curriculum Need to demonstrate competence Stress on ethical and professional practice Continuing professional development Licensing and revalidation
What is a Portfolio Is it a Logbook? Scrapbook? Compilation of certificates? Display album for your presentations? Summary book of publications?
Portfolio’s in other Professions Artist’s portfolio Company Directors portfolio Educationist portfolio (teachers) Educational portfolio (learners)
Company Directors Portfolio Is this Director worth for your company? What is his/her track record? How is he/she doing currently? –Profits – how will these be maintained by this director? –Losses – how will these be addressed by this director? Will he/she meet the company’s future plans?
Portfolio of a doctor- Applying for CESR Are you worth investing in terms of –Patient care? –Health Service? What have you done in the past? –Strengths – how would you continue to excel? –Developmental needs – how will these be addressed? What are you doing currently? Where are you heading in the future?
What portfolio needs to Demonstrate Knowledge- Education Competence- Training & Experience Skills- Training & Experience Attitude- Safe doctor
How to to prepare effective Portfolio C Collect OOrganize RReflect PPresent
PMETB Collect evidence Revise and Improve CV Contact Consultants and Hospitals- Human Recourse by Phone or letter
PMETB Complete Application form Structure your evidence
Portfolio to PMETB Letter to PMETB Application Forms Portfolio Index
Proof of Identity Photograph Passport Affidavits
Qualifications MBBS/MD Other Postgraduate Diploma’s, Degree’s or Memberships of Relevant Colleges Certificate Courses Prospectus of each Course/Degree Section, 12(2)
Registration GMC Other Country Registration if Relevant Specialist Registration
CV This should be detailed & factual Think hard & list every thing – Relevant in accordance with Good Medical Practice & Speciality Curriculum Make sure you have evidence List experience in reverse order
Evidence of Current Employment Contract or Appointment letter Job description- Description of duties Job Plan including On Call rota Open References: MD, Colleagues, Managers, Secretary, MDT, Trainee’s, Medical Students, Student Nurses
Evidence of previous Employment Same as above
Training UK training Outside UK training Human Resource– Confirmation of post Consultants– Confirm training and speciality experience & duties/Appraisals University/training courses confirmation On Call rota
Teaching Evidence of teaching trainee doctors/ Medical students, Nursing colleagues Any evidence --Organising teaching events Any evidence --Organising a conference evidence of teaching, community/schools Any evidence that you may have approval as educational supervisor Teaching Qualifications
Audit/Research Audits Case studies Thesis/dissertation Research Publication
CPD Evidence of CPD with College Evidence from attending courses/conferences Evidence from In House teaching/Presentations
Appraisals Evidence of yearly Appraisals 360 appraisals Anonymised letters and cards from patients and carers Open References from members of MDT Letters of appreciation and cards from colleagues
Other Clinical Commitments ECT CPD– Coordination Audit—Lead Membership of any committee or group
Management BMA Minutes of CMHT/Dr’s meetings attended Any Management Responsibility/Appraiser Any Lead Responsibility MHA Work College work/ Organised examinations Deanery/PMETB
Service Development Membership of Steering committees Modernisation- Any Role such as development of any thing new Communication with MD/Management
Health & Probity Note from GP Letter from HR Good Standing -- GMC
Log Book Anonymised Case Studies
Time Acknowledgement Checklist Referees College- 12 Weeks PMETB- Out come
Conclusion Onus on the Applicant PMETB Guidelines Good Medical Practice, GMC/College ST 6- level of experience Comprehensive evidence Authenticated by MD/Solicitor