This work is supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) collaboration between the Directorates for Education and Human Resources (EHR) and Geosciences (GEO) under grant DUE Building a sustainable future: The imperative and opportunities to engage all future teachers in Earth Science Anne E. Egger, Central Washington University Aida Awad, Maine Township High School Susan Sullivan, CIRES, University of Colorado Cailin Huyck Orr, SERC, Carleton College Vali Mara, CIESIN, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory with Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and many others
Content preparation of science teachers Percent of practicing teachers with at least one college course in: ElementaryMiddleHigh Life science Chemistry Physics Earth/space science Environmental science Engineering1714 Science education89 85 Banilower et al.,
Content preparation of science teachers Percent of practicing teachers with college course in: MiddleHigh Introductory earth/space science7561 One or more beyond intro2830 Geology2223 Astronomy1617 Physical geography1411 Meteorology911 Oceanography10 Banilower et al.,
What do we expect them to teach?
What do we expect them to teach?
What we teach What we want them to teach What they take Currently…
How and what we teach How do we transition to… How and what we want them to teach
New resources from InTeGrate Curricular materials that … Address interdisciplinary grand challenges society is facing Use science and engineering practices, highlighting geoscientific thinking Make use of real-world data and issues Develop students’ systems thinking Follow best practices in teaching and learning Are adaptable and adoptable by instructors in a variety of settings
1-4 week module for secondary science methods course, typically taken by secondary science ed majors in all disciplines, dominated by biologists (and frequently taught by biologists) 2-3 week module for Earth science content course geared towards elementary education majors, modeling inquiry-based learning strategies COMING SOON! Module for elementary science methods course
How do we assess if these are working? Impact on faculty as agents of change; Impact on students’… – …geoscience literacy; – …interest in majoring in geosciences and/or in a career that uses geoscience; – …ability and motivation to contribute to solving grand challenges of resources and environmental sustainability. Reflections and interviews Geoscience Literacy Exam (GLE): pre- and post- InTeGrate Attitudinal Instrument (IAI): pre- and post- Interdisciplinary thinking essay question: post only
GLE results thus far n = 485 Difference in means = 0.61 (p<0.001)
IAI results thus far Responses to the open-ended prompt: As you think about your future, can you envision using what you have learned in this course to help society overcome problems of environmental degradation, natural resources limitations, or other environmental issues? Yes because we learned about being able to use engineering to solve a problem. I could be given any problem and I could come up with a solution to the problem through trial and error. I would plan on using some of the teaching techniques and lessons used in this course to help educate more people about the data and conclusions which can be reached from that data to live and think more responsibly about the earth and it's resources.
Beyond the individual classroom…
InTeGrate reception: TONIGHT, 7:00–8:30 pm, Poe Room (Hilton Baltimore) Wednesday Session T89, Room 321 9:40 A Trans-Disciplinary Approach in Teaching Earth Science: Integrating Environmental Justice into Earth Science Curriculum Utilizing an Integrate Teaching Module Villalobos et al. 10:10 Developing Capacity to Address Societal Issues: Principles and Examples From InTeGrate Manduca et al. 10:45 Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception: An Interdisciplinary Module for Examining Environmental Contamination & Impact Phillips et al. NGSS Implementation Town Hall 12:15-1:15p Room 321 Session T27, Room 339 4:05 What do undergraduates' perception of the relevance of geoscience and society have in common with the human-Earth related Earth science literacy principles? Smith and McConnell