Childhood Obesity Slides
Top 10 Countries: Diabetes Prevalence International Diabetes Federation, Ages 20 to 79 years, 2013
First proposed by David Barker E pidemiologic observations L ow birthweight associated with increase risk of diseases Obesity M etabolic syndrome D iabetes Hypertension C ardiovascular disease Concept that fetal and early life events result in permanent metabolic alterations or developmental programming Fetal (Early life) Origins of Adult Disease
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood - NHANES Children 2 to 19 years of age 32% are overweight or obese 17% were obese Children 2 to 5 years 21% overweight or obese Ogden et al, JAMA 2012
Current State of Hawaii’s Children Health Unclear - no regular BMI surveillance screening BMI collected at school entry but data is not analyzed systematically Pobutsky et a. Hawaii Medical Journal, Oct 2006 Form 14 data at school entry ( ) N=10, % of Hawaii’s children at school entry are overweight or obese
OW/OB Prevalence-Children attending WCCHC Year: 2011, N=2,143 NHANES Children 2-19 years: 16.9% were obese with BMI ≥ 95% NHANES Children, 6 to 19 years: 18.2% were obese
Children: 2 to 19 years Percent Overweight and Obesity by Age Group and Ethnicity Overweight and Obese: BMI for age ≥ 85%