Water Supply Conditions February 28, 2014 Indian Valley & Sierra Valley
Antelope Reservoir February 27,2014 Water Surface Elevation (ft) Storage (AF) 83% of Capacity Release Set on June 1 (cfs) Spillway crest Current 5
DriestWettestCurrent Water Year
YTD = 14.3”
Middle Fork Feather River Monthly Average Flows Jan - Sept
YTD = 14.3”
What to do??? 1.Get into compliance –Install measuring devices –Install water control structures: headgates, valves
Structure Compliance Headgate Measuring device: weir Remember this: You can’t manage your water if you can’t measure it!!
What else to do??? 2.Improve efficiency>> Put in Pipes –Submit applications for any funding available –This year could be your best opportunity: $475M approved by CA legislature yesterday for water conservation projects