Cisco Router. Basic setting  清除原有之 configuration information Router#write erase Reboot Router  初始設定 Would you like to enter the initial configuration.


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Presentation transcript:

Cisco Router

Basic setting  清除原有之 configuration information Router#write erase Reboot Router  初始設定 Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?:y First,would you like to see the current interface summary?:y Enter host name [Router]: Router // Router 主機名稱 Enter enable secret : class // 進入特權模式密碼 Enter enable password : cisco Enter virtual terminal password : cisco Configure SNMP Network Management? : n

Router > enable // 進入特權模式 password: cisco Router # show ip route // 觀看 routing table Router # show ip protocol // 觀看 which routing protocols is enable Router # ping // 檢查與某ip是否連通 Router # config // 進入設定模式 Router(config)# ip routing // 啟動 ip Routing Router(config)# interface e0 // 設定 Ethernet 0 介面 Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# no shutdown // 儲存設定 Basic setting

Router & Router 之連結 Router # config Router (config)# interface s0 Router (config-if)# ip address Router (config-if)# clockrate 9600 // 串接 DCE 端需提供 clock 訊號 Router (config-if)# no shutdown Basic setting

Router & Router 之連結 Router # config Router (config)# router rip //enable rip Router (config-router)# network // 為 X 的網路建立 rip 的 routing table Router (config-router)# exit Router (config)# exit Basic setting