Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Watershed Section Funding Pete Fastner Grants Coordinator Watershed Division February 3, 2015
Goals Learn about the MPCA Clean Water Partnership and Federal Section 319 water funding programs Learn about the MPCA Clean Water Partnership and Federal Section 319 water funding programs Answer questions Answer questions
Nonpoint Source Funding Programs Clean Water Partnership (CWP) loans Clean Water Partnership (CWP) loans Federal Clean Water Act Section 319 ( Section 319) grants Federal Clean Water Act Section 319 ( Section 319) grants
CWP Grants No grant funds for 2016 and 2017 No grant funds for 2016 and 2017
CWP Loans Provide local government funding to Provide local government funding to –identify water quality problems and their sources –direct resources for implementation of water quality protection and improvement projects Eligible applicants include: Eligible applicants include: –Watershed districts, water management organizations –Regional governmental units (townships, cities & counties)
Eligible CWP projects Any nonpoint source water pollution project as determined through a local water plan Any nonpoint source water pollution project as determined through a local water plan Implement the best management practices to protect or restore the water body or watershed Implement the best management practices to protect or restore the water body or watershed
SFY 2016 CWP loans $11 million loan only funding available $11 million loan only funding available Request for Proposals (RFP) is currently open on the MPCA website Request for Proposals (RFP) is currently open on the MPCA website Proposals are accepted continuously until all money is approved for projects Proposals are accepted continuously until all money is approved for projects
SFY 2016 CWP loans (cont.) Current loan interest rate is 2% Current loan interest rate is 2% Loan projects do not need match Loan projects do not need match
Green Infrastructure Projects Preserve or restore natural hydrologic processes Preserve or restore natural hydrologic processes Flood control may be a component, but not the primary objective of a project Flood control may be a component, but not the primary objective of a project
Types of Green Infrastructure rainwater harvesting and reuse rainwater harvesting and reuse rain gardens rain gardens green roofs green roofs tree boxes tree boxes porous pavement porous pavement street and parking lot redesign street and parking lot redesign
CWP Contact Information CWP rule 7076 – 76 CWP rule 7076 – For general information on CWP program: For general information on CWP program: –Pete Fastner, (651) or (800) (800) – – 319.html htmlhttp:// 319.html
Section 319 grants Provides federal grant money for nonpoint source pollution abatement and water resource restoration Eligible applicants include: Eligible applicants include: –Watershed districts, water management organizations, joint powers –SWCDs, regional governmental units –Colleges, universities –American Indian tribes –Non-profits –Others interested in pollution abatement
2016 Section 319 funding $2.5 million available $2.5 million available Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) will be open in February, 2016 Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) will be open in February, 2016 Applications received for 30 days Applications received for 30 days Grants executed by winter, 2016 and available through August 31, 2020 Grants executed by winter, 2016 and available through August 31, 2020 Grant funding must be matched by local cash or in-kind Grant funding must be matched by local cash or in-kind
New 319 Requirements There is no ceiling for an application request There is no ceiling for an application request Grant funding match changed to 40% from 45% Grant funding match changed to 40% from 45% –match by local cash or in-kind Clean Water Fund (CWF) from BWSR may be used as match Clean Water Fund (CWF) from BWSR may be used as match –As long as the objectives of the CWF and 319 projects overlap or are the same –CWF match could be from the previous year or from the next year
New 319 Requirements (cont.) Only TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) and WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies) implementation projects will be funded Only TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) and WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies) implementation projects will be funded –No longer funding Demonstration, Education or Research projects TMDL or WRAPS study must be approved by MPCA by February 29, 2016 in order for the project to be eligible for funding TMDL or WRAPS study must be approved by MPCA by February 29, 2016 in order for the project to be eligible for funding
New 319 Requirements (cont.) Project must focus on critical areas for implementation Project must focus on critical areas for implementation –Geographic areas identified by a watershed model or similar tool and ultimately confirmed by field observation and/or vetted/confirmed by local partners/stakeholders and ultimately confirmed by field observation and/or vetted/confirmed by local partners/stakeholders –Show disproportionately contributing pollutant loads or excess flow to surface waters. –Must have measurable outcomes that include significant pollutant load reductions.
Federal 319 Contact Information EPA website on Section 319: fm EPA website on Section 319: fm fm fm For general information on the Federal 319 program: For general information on the Federal 319 program: –Pete Fastner, (651) or (800) (800) – 319.html htmlhttp:// 319.html –
MPCA Watershed funding website: r/water-types-and-programs/water- nonpoint-source-issues/clean-water- partnership/financial-assistance-for- nonpoint-source-water-pollution-projects- clean-water-partnership-and-section-319- programs.html r/water-types-and-programs/water- nonpoint-source-issues/clean-water- partnership/financial-assistance-for- nonpoint-source-water-pollution-projects- clean-water-partnership-and-section-319- programs.html