Phoneconf u-2010 June 5 th, 2009 Harold Linke / HITEC Luxembourg
Participants NamePartnerParticipated Aurel MachalekUL Thomas EngelUL Latif LadidUL Carlo SimonCCG Harold LinkeHITEC Benjamin HourteHITEC Jean SchweitzerTelindus Kate YeadonEPT Bryan McLaughlinCisco Theo de JonghCisco Bert HabrakenCisco Wolfgang BartschIABG Karl MayerIABG Peter KirsteinUCL Socrates VarakliotisUCL Nikolas StephanUCL Hubert SchumacherM-PLIFY Alexandre DulaunoySES Gérard WagenerSES Martin DunmoreULANC Claude SabusNSN
Agenda Status of WPs Final demonstration and Project Extension Any other business
Status WPs WP1: work on D1.1.3 and D1.1.4 started WP2: D2.1.2 Architecture will be finished until end of the week. WP3: D3.1.2 “Report on Directory Services - update” is in its final stages, review copy nearly ready. Kate will chase the partners for their contributions. D3.3.1 “Report on Interworking solutions” –Aurel updated the deliverable and put on DMS on 31 st of May. –Reviewers: Bryan McLaughlin, Bert, Thomas Scherer? –The deliverable has to be sent on 15 th of June to the EC –Draft until Mid of May. Review can start Mid of May. Reviewers: Bryan McLaughlin, Bert, Socrates WP4 D4.1.2 Report on validation and testing of the extended alarm and emergency communication system based on the developed architecture and services –TOC until mid of May 09. Release will be shifted to August 09. After release of D D4.1.3 Prototype of an alarm and emergency communication system based on the developed architecture and services –TOC until mid of May. Release shifted to end of July D4.2.2Prototype Mountain Rescue Team Service Trial will be shifted to June 2009 D4.2.3Report on Mountain Rescue Team Service Trial will be shifted to July 2009 to allow a better validation of the solution by the mountain rescue team. D4.3.2 will be updated to be consistend with the Slovenian scenario until end of June D4.3.3 has to be shifted after the final demonstration to October 2009 Demonstrations: see next slide The u-2010 portal has now a userid and password - contact Ben for details WP5: no status from UL, Aurel will provide the status and the feedback as soon as possible via . D5.2.2 : is already submitted (30 th of March), confirmed during the GA in Slovenia, on DMS for reviewer end of May D5.4.1 : Guy Aimé is going to finalise the deliverable for the end of this week. Need of industrial reviewers. Date of submission : 15th of June. D5.4.2:structure discussed in GA: Guy Aimé is taking care of this document (M39) D5.2.3: M42 End of the project WP6: D6.2.1Training Needs Design is submitted to EC D6.3.1Report on Training activities has to be shifted to the end of the project (October 2009) WP7: D7.1.2 : Guy Aimé is going to resubmit the deliverable latest tomorrow. Need reviewers. D7.1.3: M42 End of the project
Demonstrations and presentations (2) June 4th, VOMATEC info-days, Germany, (u-2010 communication solutions) VOMATEC, the developer of the Rheinland-Pfalz command control center solution for protection civile and firebrigades ARIGON Plus has invited 150 people from german police, firebrigades and protection civile to an in-house event. VOMTEC has invited HITEC and IABG to support this event and to demonstrate how the ARIGON Plus command control center can be enhanced with u-2010 solutions. HITEC and IABG will exhibit the u-2010 solutions and demonstrate them using the u-2010 comm car. June 11th,Slovenia, Mountain Rescue solution The details for this trial have been discussed in the GA. Future Internet Conference, keynote speech of Peter Kirstein
Project Extension - Final Demonstration Project Extension -Feedback of Karina: the amendment is on normal way of procedure at the EC.
Project Extension - Final Demonstration Final demonstration: 3 days - (has to be discussed) Following the Dow: Review and final demo. Possible dates: accepted by Karina. Including: review, review demonstration, lab demos, public demonstration First ideas for discussion: Prior to Day one the u-2010 needs to get together to plan the presentation as we have done in the past. Day Zero Rehearsal of Review (all WP leaders) Day One a.m. and/or Day One p.m. Formal Presentation for Review (with Reviewers) - the u-2010 Team Day Two a.m. Lab Demos (with reviewers) Day Two p.m. Tunnel Demo for Review (with reviewers) Day Three a.m. Dissemination Day - Public Tunnel Demonstration
AOB Preparation and costs for the final demonstration: -caterring, rent of tent can be supported and organised by UL -send the invitation before the summer (when we have confirmations for amendment and confirmation of date), preparation of the list of invitation and the letter as well. -Video: UL is waiting proposals for the video. Any ideas in welcome. Next phoneconference
S-cube conference Peter proposed that in addition to the u-2010 conference u should participate in the conference S-CUBE 2009, the first international conference on Sensor Systems and Software September 7-9, Pisa, Italy Topics for u-2010 Sensor Prototypes & Testbeds Sensor network middleware Mobile sensor networking, Vehicular sensor networks and protocols : Agglomeration of NoSaCo + phynets routers Meshed Networking 2 hour session should be possible What about a training session
Next Dates June 19th - Phone conference (14:30 -15:30)